Disaster Risk and Community Resilience Building Process in U-Tapao River Basin

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Somporn Khunwishit
Chanisada Choosuk


Flooding had been a frequent occurrence in the U-Tapao River basin. Thus, the goals of this study were to 1) investigate disaster risk factors such as hazard, exposure, and vulnerability in communities located in the U-Tapao River basin, as well as the effects of previous disasters on households, 2) examine community capacity from the levels of household preparedness and three community capitals including human capital, social capital and financial capital, and 3) design working process for enhancing community resilience. Mixed methods were employed in this study. Firstly, quantitative research method was used to explore disaster risk factors and examine household preparedness and community capitals. By using a questionnaire, data were collected with 300 households. Then data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Secondly, the process of participatory action research was applied to engage a total of 24 representatives from a selected community and related parties to work together in order to design strategies and working process for developing community’s disaster resilience. Findings showed that the three communities in U-Tapao River basin in this study were exposed and vulnerable to flooding. Households were prepared to some extent but not to their full ability, allowing them to care for themselves solely in terms of fundamental needs. Furthermore, households have developed some communal capitals, but not enough to adequately respond to a calamity on their own. As a result, a collaborative effort (a partnership team) was formed between members of a participating village and related parties to design strategies and working process in a collaborative way in order to improve flood resilience of this village.

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How to Cite
Khunwishit, S., & Choosuk, C. (2022). Disaster Risk and Community Resilience Building Process in U-Tapao River Basin. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 13(2), 187–214. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/polscicmujournal/article/view/256034
Research Article
Author Biography

Somporn Khunwishit, Faculty of Management Sciences, Prince of Songkla University

Disaster Management; Public Administration; Emergency Management


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