The Implementation of the Smart City Policy of Phuket Province

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Phattaravadee Jumnong
Grichawat Lowatcharin


Smart city is an urban development concept that applies digital technology to plan and increase the efficiency of public services. Phuket is one of Thailand pilot provinces to implement the smart city concept. This research aimed to answer the question of how Phuket can implement smart city policies and whether there are obstacles. The objectives were: 1) study the progress of the implementation of smart city policies in Phuket; and 2) study the problems in implementing smart city policies in Phuket. The researchers used a qualitative research methodology Single Case Study. The data was collected from interviews with 33 representatives of 24 agencies. Questions in the interview focused on the process of implementing smart city policies and the issue of implementing smart city policies of government agencies. The researchers then analyzed the data to examine the processes and problems in implementing the smart city policy tin Phuket. The study found that the Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA) is the key leader in smart city policy implementation, with assistance and collaboration from other government agencies. The implementation has progressed through the application of digital technology in some dimensions. The implementation has confronted with multiple problems and obstacles: most notably, lack of budgetary support. Therefore, for successful implementation of the smart city policy in Phuket the government should provide more financial support and DEPA should promote greater and more cohesive knowledge and understanding of
the smart city policy among government officials and people.

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How to Cite
Jumnong, P., & Lowatcharin, G. (2022). The Implementation of the Smart City Policy of Phuket Province. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 13(2), 215–242. retrieved from
Research Article


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