Guidelines for Driving the Thailand’s Music Industries in Music Exports

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Panuwat Kuikeaw
Siripong Ladavalya Na Ayuthya


This research aimed to 1) study the role of the government as a driving force of the global exportation of the music industries of South Korea, Japan, and Thailand from 2014 to 2021, 2) study the problems of the driving force of the exportation of the music industry of Thailand from the past until the present, and 3) propose methods to adapt patterns and procedures from Japan and South Korea to Thailand’s music industry exportation. 1) South Korea and Japan’s governments, together with their public sectors, were a major part driving the global exportation of their respective music industries. The governments from the two mentioned countries were determined in supporting the processes including production, advertisement, and marketing. The Thai government, in practice, did not have concrete patterns and procedures. However, strategies to support the film and media industries were established during Phase 3 (2017-2021). 2) The problems of the driving force of Thailand’s global exportation of the music industry were caused by the government, the private sectors, and the public sectors. These include over-controlling bureaucratic systems, a lack of opportunities for music industry experts to develop necessary skills and knowledge, and the production of works that lack Thai identity. 3) Creativity should be stressed as the main quality of Thai music industry individuals to produce unique work by adapting, not imitating, others to create Soft power via the Thai music industry. In addition, the determined cooperation between the government and public sectors can drive the Thai music industry towards success.

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How to Cite
Kuikeaw, P., & Na Ayuthya, S. L. . (2023). Guidelines for Driving the Thailand’s Music Industries in Music Exports. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 14(1), 117–146. Retrieved from
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