Green Theory and Implications for the Study of IR Theory in Thailand

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Wuttikorn Chuwattananurak


The Green theory has provided a path to a clearer understanding of international relations (IR) theories in Thailand. There is currently a diversity in numbers of studies that have been performed related to IR theories that are followed in Thailand. The theories ranged from mainstream approaches that consisted of components of IR (realism and liberalism) and other alternative approaches such as critical international relations theory, feminism, and post-structuralism. However, there had been very few studies performed related to the Green theory in Thailand. This article focused on the four pillars of the Green theory, ecological thinking and responsibility; world peace and nonviolence; social and environmental justice; and decentralization of power, which were essential issues for studying the IR theory that impacted global environments. Furthermore, it also discussed the implications of the Green theory that related to the study of the IR theory as considered in Thailand. The research analysis expanded the intellectual space for the alternative approaches of IR in Thailand; approaches which galvanized the study of IR theory from the bottom-up concepts of knowledge development; and those that were able to introduce the “ecological perspective” into the study of IR theory in Thailand.

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How to Cite
Chuwattananurak, W. (2023). Green Theory and Implications for the Study of IR Theory in Thailand. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 14(1), 1–54. Retrieved from
Research Article


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