The Role of US Norm Entrepreneurs in Promoting Cybersecurity Norms in the International Stage

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Thanawit Wangpuchakane
Pongphisoot Busbarat


This research article critically examines the concept of cybersecurity norms, which has become a subject of global contention since 1998. Specifically, the article focuses on the promotion of Western cyber norms by the United States and the strategies it employs as a norm entrepreneur for this promotion via its various agencies, including the US government, experts, and the private sector. However, despite the persistent efforts of the United States to influence other states, its endeavors have encountered significant obstacles. This is evident in the ongoing debates on information and communication technology security within the United Nations General Assembly. The study highlights the challenges in promoting Western cyber norms. The norms can be interpreted in several ways, including debates on whether cyber domains should be regulated by states, thus leading to various approaches to domestic adoption and practices. Furthermore, competition from other major powers in recent decades has become
a considerable challenge. Such powers, most notably Russia and recently China, are increasingly opposing US-led norm acceptance and are also offering alternative interpretations and models to shape the international debate.

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How to Cite
Wangpuchakane, T., & Busbarat, P. . (2024). The Role of US Norm Entrepreneurs in Promoting Cybersecurity Norms in the International Stage. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 15(1), 281–318. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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