Implementation of the Beggar Control Policy in 2020

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Surasak Wongsa
Suvicha Pouaree


This study aimed to gain a better understanding of the process for implementing the begging control policy as well as explore the factors contributing to the implementation of the policy. A qualitative research method was used to collect and analyze data from 15 key informants. The key informants were divided into three groups comprising police officers, social workers, and social developers who were selected by purposive sampling. After the completion of data collection, content analysis was used to describe the research findings. The results showed that the implementation of the begging control policy involves five stages including acceptance of the policy, construction of an advocacy coalition, and mobilization of policy resources, as well as deployment of the policy and implementation of the policy. These implementation stages are divided into
2 phases. The first phase took 90 days to prepare for the enforcement of the Beggar Control Act, B.E 2559 (2016) after it was enacted, and the second phase concerned the concrete actions taken. The factors that led to the implementation of the policy included 1) the characteristics of the policy, 2) resource support, 3) communication, 4) law enforcement, and 5) organizational improvement. These factors played a vital part in translating the policy into the Beggar Control Action Plan No. 1 (2019-2021), allowing activities and projects to be put into practice.

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How to Cite
Wongsa, S., & Pouaree, S. . (2024). Implementation of the Beggar Control Policy in 2020. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 15(2), 29–66. retrieved from
Research Article


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