Phitsanulok Herbal City: Policy for the Migration of Thai Medicinal Herbs from Backyard Gardens to the Industrial Sector
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This research investigated the facilitating and obstructing factors affecting the policy of moving Thai medicinal herbs from backyard gardens to the industrial sector to promote Phitsanulok Province as an herbal area. After examining the economic, political, and socio-cultural contexts as well as infrastructure, it was found that 1) the provincial herbal city policy prioritises tourism, aesthetics, and traditional Thai medicine rather than elevating herb cultivation for export or commercial purposes, 2) the economic aspects, both domestic and international, influence the development of Thai herbs under the national master plan and Phitsanulok’s herbal city policy, 3) the political conditions under the policy by Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-o-cha aim to develop Thai herbs, transitioning from agricultural to commercial and industrial sectors, 4) social and cultural considerations involve local healers and villagers contributing to herb cultivation, processing, and distribution industries (in comparison with political and economic factors), and 5) the underlying infrastructure focuses on developing the economic corridor linking Luangprabang-Indochina-Mawlamyine (LIMEC) to support the competitive market and transportation for the herbal industry. Research recommendations include establishing state-owned processing plants aligned with the development of herbal industries, health tourism, herbal products, and the distribution of traditional Thai medicine.
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