Factors Affecting the Success of Implementing Policy to Solve PM2.5 Problem of Local Government Organizations in Samut Prakan Province
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The objectives of this study were to examine the level of various factors and factors affecting the implementation of the policy to solve PM2.5 problems by local government organizations in Samut Prakan Province, to study the level of success in implementing the policy to solve PM2.5 problems by local government organizations in Samut Prakan Province, and to analyze the multiple regression equation factors that affect the success of the implementation of the policy to solve PM2.5 problems by local government organizations in Samut Prakan Province. This study was survey research. The specified sample size was 384 employees from a target population of 9,518 employees. Data was collected using a questionnaire. The research variables were 1) standards and objectives, 2) resources, 3) inter-organizational communication and enforcement activities, 4) characteristics of the implementing agencies, 5) economic, social, and political conditions, and 6) the disposition of implementers. Data collection methods included online questionnaires, postal questionnaires, and face-to-face interviews. The data was then statistically analyzed using a software package. The study found that the factor with the highest influence on policy implementation was policy objectives and standards. Four out of the six factors significantly affected the success of policy implementation: the disposition of implementers, economic, social, and political conditions, standards and objectives, and resources. The success of policy implementation was highest in the area where the majority of the population was aware of prevention and solution measures. The predictive equation was Y (success of policy implementation) = -0.041 + 0.222(X1) + 0.177(X2) + 0.252(X3) + 0.346(X4), where the factor of implementers' disposition (X4) has the highest β value. Therefore, the factor of implementers' disposition has the greatest impact on the success of implementing the policies to solve PM2.5 problems. The most significant problems in implementing policies to solve PM2.5 were the objectives and policy standards, which had the highest average value. The measure with the highest value in the policy to solve PM2.5 was Measure 2: Prevention and reduction of pollution at the source (emission source).
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