From the Battlefields of Chong Bok to the Marketplaces of Emerald Triangle: The (Missing) Piece Of Memory In International Relations

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Thanachate Wisaijorn


This research article applies the politics of memory concept in International Relations to analyse the policy of the Thai state on the triple border of Thailand, Cambodia and Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR). During the Cold War, Chong Bok as the point where the border of the three nation-states meet was the space of ideological conflicts. Fierce military clashes occurred in the area between the Thai state, Khmer Rouge, and Lao resistant groups that fought against the Lao communist government and Cambodian troops supported by the Vietnamese. After the Cold War, the slogan of changing the battlefields to the marketplaces redefined the meaning of the area as the Emerald Triangle which has the implication of economic development. This research article is qualitative and acquires data from academic texts, journals, policy documents and interviews. Nowadays, Chong Bok does not contribute much to economic growth because of limited infrastructure and transport to the area. While sectors of the Thai state insist that the plan for the triple border development should continue, non-state actors propose that the economic development of Emerald Triangle should not be limited to just the border but extend to adjacent border provinces as well. This article argues that the Thai state should initiate a project for transport and infrastructure development for the area. In the process of memory transition, more voices of different actors should be recognised so the area of Emerald Triangle can be a space for developing common memory in international politics that enriches policy formulation and academic research in the future.

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How to Cite
Wisaijorn, T. (2024). From the Battlefields of Chong Bok to the Marketplaces of Emerald Triangle: The (Missing) Piece Of Memory In International Relations. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 15(Suppl. 1), 169–198. Retrieved from
Research Article


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