Reviewing the Study of State-To-State Relations in International Migration
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International migration is a significant interantioanal affair. However, its study in political science and International Relations emerged after other disciplines. This review article, therefore, explores the study of international migration through the lens of state-to-state relations. It provides a fundamental framework for connecting this phenomenon to the field of International Relations, demonstrating this by focusing on interactions between receiving and sending states. Refugee and migrant worker policies are viewed as tools to achieve foreign policy goals. This perspective gives rise to the concept of migration diplomacy and the study of power relations between receiving and sending states. While this framework, which emphasizes state-to-state relations, faces challenges from the inherently transnational nature of international migration and states' limited ability to control population movements effectively, it does not dismiss these arguments. Instead, it underscores the study of state behavior to complement our understanding of the phenomenon and to develop insights into state-to-state relations from a perspective linked to non-traditional transnational issues in International Relations.
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- บทความและข้อมูล ที่ได้รับการตีพิมพ์ในวารสารรัฐศาสตร์และรัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ ถือเป็นลิขสิทธิ์ของวารสาร หากบุคคลหรือหน่วยงานใดต้องการนำข้อมูลไปใช้ประโยชน์ในทางวิชาการ ขอให้อ้างอิงแหล่งที่มาด้วย
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