Criticizing “Suvarnabhumi” from the Perspective of Chinese Ethnohistory
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This research article is divided into two main sections. 1) The first section critiques the concept of Suvarnabhumi as a framework, arguing that it can serve as a flexible academic tool that helps avoid the cliché of merely searching for the geographic location of the Suvarnabhumi Kingdom. By viewing Suvarnabhumi in this way, scholars can move beyond the rigid compartmentalization of area studies, where Suvarnabhumi is often equated with the strict geographic boundaries of Southeast Asia. 2) The second section builds on this idea by exploring Chinese knowledge related to Suvarnabhumi, specifically knowledge about Tai-speaking ethnic groups, with a focus on the Dai people. A critical reading of the creation of this knowledge uncovers the politics of knowledge production and China's stance toward Suvarnabhumi, as promoted by the Thai state—whether China seeks to connect with or distance itself from this narrative. At the same time, this analysis highlights the role such knowledge plays in the formation of the Chinese nation. In summary, this article proposes the use of Suvarnabhumi as a conceptual tool, while also focusing on how China produces knowledge about Tai-speaking ethnic groups, particularly the Dai, which are frequently connected to Suvarnabhumi and ancient Thai history.
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