Factors Strengthening International Norms: A Study on the Norm of Transparency and Accountability in the Case of Thailand Investment in Hydropower Dam Project in the Lao People's Democratic Republic
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Environmental governance can be considered a form of resource and environmental management that is more sustainable than state-centered management. However, the sustainability of environmental governance depends on adherence to key norms, such as transparency and accountability. While transparency and accountability are internationally recognized norms, their implementation at the state level remains weak. This article aims to propose a conceptual framework for the factors strengthening international norms. The theory of norm strength is studied and analyzed in conjunction with the concept of implementing international norms within states to develop a conceptual framework for factors that strengthen international norms, which consists of four factors: 1) Normative fit, 2) Institutionalization, 3) Interest alignment, and 4) Monitoring and Compliance mechanisms. The developed framework not only enhances the knowledge of international norms, which has limited research on factors that strengthen them, but also serves as a useful guideline for efforts to strengthen the implementation of international norms, both in general and in the context of Thailand's investment in hydropower dam projects in the Lao People's Democratic Republic.
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