The Correlation of Multidimentional Local Politics

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Chaipong Samnieng


Regarding to the local government areas of the public through a variety of relationships, such as the bargaining power of the people through. "Election" and political relations across the various interest groups. The local government area is "open" to the public as a "space" to build ties with the new state. Changes in society over the past decade, Thailand has access to the resources of the gap between urban and rural areas. Surprisingly, at the present, the factors of economic, political and social changes have resulted strengthening in a whole new group of people in urban and rural areas. They are active and want to be part of the "politics" coming to a local government as a "field of negotiation" which it is “autonomous space” as well as the direction of development. People can choose to enter Administration as the members assembled eluding checks and balances, it is a mechanical of laws and becoming the movement of the people for so long.

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How to Cite
Samnieng, C. (2016). The Correlation of Multidimentional Local Politics. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 7(1), 106–137. retrieved from
Academic Article


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