The Effectiveness of the services of Lad Sawai Municipality, Lam Look Kha District, Pathum Thani Province


  • ตุลย์ นิยะโต มหาราชพฤกษ์


Effectiveness of the Services, Lad Sawai Municipality


The research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the services of Lad Sawai Municipality, Lam Look Kha District, Pathum Thani Province and to compare the effectiveness of the services of Lad Sawai Municipality, Lam Look Kha District, Pathum Thani Province, divided by personal factors. The sample included 400 of the population of over 18 years of age. The tool used in the research was questionnaire. The statistics used for analysis included percentage, average, standard deviation, t-test for independent samples and One way ANOVA. The research findings revealed that the effectiveness of the services of Lad Sawai Municipality, Lam Look Kha District, Pathum Thani Province overall was fair. The consideration of each dimension from the highest to the lowest average namely services based on equality, advanced services, continuous services, timely services and sufficient services revealed that the average of all dimensions was fair. The study findings of the comparison of the effectiveness of the services of Lad Sawai Municipality, Lam Look Kha District, Pathum Thani Province, divided by personal factors revealed the following: the people with different genders, ages, education levels, professions and duration of residency, overall did not have different opinions on the effectiveness of the services of Lad Sawai Municipality, Lam Look Kha District, Pathum Thani Province, the people with different marital statuses had different opinions on the services of Lad Sawai Municipality, Lam Look Kha District, Pathum Thani Province with the statistical significance at .05.


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How to Cite

นิยะโต ต. (2019). The Effectiveness of the services of Lad Sawai Municipality, Lam Look Kha District, Pathum Thani Province. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 11(2), 142–152. Retrieved from