Efficiency of services provided for the social security of the elderly of Lad Sawai Municipality, Lam Look Kha District, Pathum Thani Province


  • ฉรัญญา แม้นศรี มหาวิทยาลัยราชพฤษ์


Efficiency of the services provided for the social security of the elderly


The research aimed to investigate the level of efficiency of services provided for the social security of the elderly of Lad Sawai Municipality, Lam Look Kha District, Pathum Thani Province and compare the efficiency of services provided for the socials security of the elderly of Lad Sawai Municipality, Lam Look Kha District, Pathum Thani Province divided by personal factors. The sample included 370 elderly people who received the social security of the elderly of Lad Sawai Municipality, Lam Look Kha District, Pathum Thani Province, for the fiscal year 2017. The tool used in the research was questionnaire. The statistics used in the analysis included percentage, average, standard deviation, t-test for independent samples and One way ANOVA. The research findings revealed that the overall efficiency of services provided for the socials security of the elderly of Lad Sawai Municipality, Lam Look Kha District, Pathum Thani Province was high. The consideration of each dimension revealed that the average was high in every dimension. The study was divided into four dimensions namely procedure, accommodations for the elderly, access to information, and officials. The study findings divided by gender, age, education level, duration of residency, and marital status revealed that the elderly with different genders and education levels overall and in each dimension did not have different opinions on the efficiency of services provided for the socials security of the elderly of Lad Sawai Municipality, Lam Look Kha District, Pathum Thani Province. The elderly with different ages, durations of residency, and marital statuses overall had different opinions on the efficiency of services provided for the socials security of the elderly of Lad Sawai Municipality, Lam Look Kha District, Pathum Thani Province.


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How to Cite

แม้นศรี ฉ. (2019). Efficiency of services provided for the social security of the elderly of Lad Sawai Municipality, Lam Look Kha District, Pathum Thani Province. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 11(2), 153–163. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ptujournal/article/view/217225