
  • ศรัญญา น้อยพิมาย คณะครุศาสตร์อุตสาหกรรม


Skill, Administration, School Administrators


This research aimed to 1) studies the current conditions and desired Conditions of the administrative skills of school administrators under the Pathum Thani Secondary Education Area 2, and 2) study the development guidelines for the administrative skills of school administrators under the Pathum Thani Secondary Education Area 2. The research sample included a total of 317 teachers in the educational institutions under the Pathum Thani Secondary Education Area 2. Key informants consisted of 6 school administrators, in the academic year 2019, deriving from the stratified sampling. The instrument for data collection employed questionnaires and interview forms. To analyze the data, the researcher utilized percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, Modified Priority Needs Index (PNI Modified), and content analysis. Findings revealed that 1) an overall current condition of the administrative skills of school administrators under the Pathum Thani Secondary Education Area 2 was at a moderate level. A desirable condition of the administrative skills of school administrators was at a high level. 2) The development guidelines for the administrative skills of school administrators under the Pathum Thani Secondary Education Area 2 based on the ranking of the three essential PNI Modified presented that (1) firstly, the comprehensive conceptual skills by the school administrators have the new methods of problem-solving with accuracy and cursoriness, which was applicable with quality decision information, and analysis and planning of education management appropriately. Secondly, the school administrators having teaching skills have developed to do an academic performance for the career advancement by measuring, evaluation, supervision, control, monitoring the teaching and learning of teachers in educational institutions systematically, which could manage and administrate the curriculum in accordance with the social and community mission. Finally, the school administrators have technical skills and brainstorming standard with collaborative working systems for career advancement by the techniques for supervision, control, monitoring, and evaluation of various practices. They could provide tools and resources for administration sufficiently.


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How to Cite

น้อยพิมาย ศ. (2020). ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS UNDER PATHUMTHANI PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 2. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 12(1), 199–216. Retrieved from