
  • สิตานันท์ สาลีผลิน 0909732281


Service marketing mix, tourism potential, factors that cause longing for the past, tourism behavior


In At present, the tourism industry has grown in Thailand. The traditional markets can be considered as a business that is called, The place of Nostalgia tourism. Which has received attention from the group Thai tourists, but during the year 2017, tourists have recognized there is a noticeable decrease in the number. Because communities and agencies may still lack continuous tourism development within the area and the strategy for tourism has not been established yet Conform to the uniqueness of the area including Attracting in traveling. Therefore, this research is intended to study Tourism behavior of Thai tourists A case study of traditional markets in Suphan Buri Province And study the influence of Service marketing mix Tourism potential And the factors that cause longing for the past The researchers combined ( Mixed Method Research) , using interviews and questionnaires to collect data of 402 set by the tourists male Thailand statistically analyzed using descriptive information, including the percentage deviation from the process database and statistics. To analyze Inference data is a multiple regression analysis.

              The results of the research are divided into 3 parts, found that the service marketing mix Product, price, marketing promotion And the process is affecting the tourism aspects of the hospitality and service. As for tourism potential Attraction in tourism Support And tourism management has an influence on tourism behavior regarding attraction and service. And the factors that cause longing for the past Emotional and emotional factors Location and time factor and the stimuli factor influence the tourism behavior in the cost of traveling and using the services.


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How to Cite

สาลีผลิน ส. . (2020). FACTORS OF NOSTALGIA TOURISM POTENTIAL AND MARKETING MIX AFFECTING TO TOURISM BEHAVIOR: CASE STUDY OF TRADITIONAL MARKET IN SUPHANBURI PROVINCE. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 12(2), 12–24. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ptujournal/article/view/241735