
  • ชูตระกูล ไชยเสนา องค์การบริหารส่วนตำบล ท่าข้าม อำเภอค่ายบางระจัน จังหวัดสิงห์บุรี


Good governance, Management efficiency, Tambon Administrative Organization


The purposes of this research were to 1) The level of administration according to good governance principles of the Tambon Administrative Organization In Sing Buri Province 2) The level of management efficiency of the Tambon Administrative Organization In Sing Buri province. The sample group used in quantitative research is Employees who perform duties in sub district administrative organizations in Sing Buri Province in the amount of 310 people. The samples used in qualitative research are The senior management of the Tambon Administrative Organization In Sing Buri Province Specify a list by randomly representing the entire population. In order to obtain a sample group of 33 people. The tools used for collecting data in this research are divided into 2 types: 1. The questionnaire, which the researcher created and adapted from the research study from the textbook Academic papers And related research Which the questionnaire is divided into 3 parts and 2. Interview form is a type of in-depth interview Data analysis by percentage, mean, standard deviation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results were as follows: 1. Good governance factors of sub district administrative organizations In Sing Buri Province In the overall picture; it is at a high level. 2. The efficiency of the administration of the Sub district Administration Organization was found to be at a high level. 3. Linear equations of good governance factors that affect the management efficiency of the sub district administrative organization In Sing Buri Province Can predict the participation of 78.40 percent 4. The hypothesis testing found that good governance factors Effectiveness statistical significance at the level of .05.


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How to Cite

ไชยเสนา ช. (2020). GOOD GOVERNANCE FACTORS AFFECTING TAMBON ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION (TAOs) IN SINGBURI PROVINCE. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 12(2), 147–164. Retrieved from