
  • นริศรา แดสามัญ คณะรัฐศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


Management, Good governance, Municipal


The objective of this research were to 1) study the level of people's opinions on the administration of governance and local development of municipalities in Pattani Province; and 2) to study people's opinions on the administration of good governance that affects local development of municipalities in Pattani Province. This research employed mixed research method consisting of Quantitative research and Qualitative research. The sample group in this research was 400 people who were living in the municipality area in Pattani Province including 17 interviewees. The study used computer statistical software. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics namely Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation, for Inference statistics using multiple regression analysis according to the importance of variables in stepwise multiple regression technique and in-depth interview.

            The study found that the level of people's opinions towards administration according to good governance was at a high level, when considering each aspect, it found that the rule of law, ethic and Goodness, Transparency, Principles of participation, Value for money, and the principle of readiness of liability, and the level of people's opinions towards local development of the municipality in Pattani Province was at a high level, when considering each aspect, it was found that security and peace building were at a high level, urban and economic development was at a high level, administration and management in appreciation was at a high level, human resource management was at a high level, public and environmental development was at a medium level. The administration in accordance with the good governance principle that affects the local development of the municipality in Pattani Province in overall were principles of accountability, aspects of participation and the value for money with the regression coefficient of .60, .38 and .35. The prediction coefficient (R2) was .75. It could predict the administration according to the good governance that affects the Local administration of the municipality in Pattani province overall 75.50 percent.


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How to Cite

แดสามัญ น. (2020). MANAGEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOOD GOVERNANCE OF MUNICIPAL PERSONNEL IN PATTANI PROVINCE. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 12(2), 333–353. Retrieved from