
  • Wanwipha Tailangka North Bangkok University


Public Service through Co-Production , New Public Services , Public Services of Local Governments


Future of public service management must be equal both social and economic dimensions, able to assimilate all groups of people in society and heading to improve quality of life. And that is an important goal of the country's development. This article aims to reflect the importance of co-production of public service arrangements, which is a new public service mission. It is imperative that local government organization need to understand the context. Restricted regulations and state monopolies may no longer be the right approach to local development. Local government organization should act as a key mechanism in uniting all sectors to achieve the lowest cost co-production of civil society, private business sector and public services, either a juristic person or a non-juristic person by accepting cooperation in investment from the private sector through competition between talent people. Bring up to the creation of a quality-of-life system. Especially the co-production of public services in the infrastructure, transportation and energy. For Social Protection Responsibility dimension, in labor training, labor market of the local people, including caring for the elderly and disabled; by co-operating with central and provincial agencies; in addition, the co-production of public services between local government organizations and co-operative is another mission that local government organizations should accept cooperation from competent network partners. This is because in the decentralization process, mechanisms and measures must be created that aim to create a good quality of life for people common understanding. A strong commitment to the philosophy and values of decentralization. It is an issue that all parties should be an aware in order to create value for the development of local communities.


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How to Cite

Tailangka, W. (2022). PUBLIC SERVICE MANAGEMENT THROUGH CO-PRODUCTION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 14(1), 353–366. Retrieved from