
  • phongphan jan-o-cha -


Sustainable efficiency , Bangkok Bank (Public Company Limited) Employees, Factors Affecting work


The objectives of this study were 1) to examine level of work performance efficiency, 2) to analyze motivating and supporting factors affecting work performance efficiency, and 3) to propose improving guidelines to increase sustainable efficiency of Bangkok Bank (Public Company Limited) employees in Bangkok Metropolitan Region. The research methodology used was mixed method. The conceptual framework of the study was created using motivation factors and sustaining factors of Frederick Herzberg; Granholm. The population of the study were 2,888 Bangkok Bank (Public Company Limited) employees working at head office and branches in Bangkok Metropolitan Region. The sample size of 400 employees was determined using Taro Yamane formular. Ten administrators were interviewed. The study instruments were questionnaire and interviewed form. The reliability of the questionnaire was .90. The interviewed data were analyzed by content analysis. Statistics used consisted of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression.

The study results revealed that 1) level of work performance as a whole was at a much level. When considering each aspect in descending order of mean found that all 7 aspects were at much levels including attitude, quality, creativity, new era communication, workload, supervision, and knowledge and job skills. 2)  The analysis results of motivating factors and supporting factors affecting work performance efficiency showed that 4 factors consisted of need for advancement, job success, nature of work performed, to be respected affected the sustainable efficiency of Bangkok Bank (Public Company Limited) employees at 97 % with a statistically significant level of .05. 3) The improving guidelines to increase sustainable efficiency of Bangkok Bank (Public Company Limited) employees in Bangkok Metropolitan Region should be as following: 1) providing IT personnel training to increase their expertise in financial technology, 2) the executives should be increased leadership skills in a new era, and 3) collaborating with new generation IT companies.


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How to Cite

jan-o-cha, phongphan. (2022). FACTORS AFFECTING SUSTAINABLE EFFICIENCY OF BANGKOK BANK (PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED) EMPLOYEES IN THE BANGKOK METROPOLITAN REGION. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 14(2), 52–66. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ptujournal/article/view/259086