
  • nuttaporn Soonkhuntod -


Management Guidelines , Supplies Administration in School , Priority


This research aimed to 1) examine the current conditions and the desirable conditions of supplies administration in schools under the Office of Pathumthani Primary Education Service Area Office 1, and 2) explore guidelines for supplies administration in schools under the Office of Pathumthani Primary Education Service Area Office 1. The population in this research consisted of 326 directors, chiefs of supplies officers, and supplies officers in schools under the Office of Pathumthani Primary Education Service Area Office 1, and 5 interviewees who were school directors and chiefs of supplies officers. The instruments for data collection were a dual-response questionnaire and a structured interview form. The statistical techniques for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation modified, priority needs index (PNI modified), and content analysis.

The research findings revealed the following: 1) The current conditions and the desirable conditions of supplies administration in schools under the Office of Pathumthani Primary Education Service Area Office 1 were at a high level. 2) The suggested guidelines for supplies administration could be summarized as follows: (1) In terms of planning, schools should hold meetings to plan and determine specifications of supplies for involved personnel. (2) Regarding procurement, schools should provide appropriate and accurate procurement plans. Procurements should be conducted in accordance with the specifications by appointing an inspection and acceptance committee. (3) In respect to requisition and issuance, schools should monitor and assess the requisition, issuance and utilization of supplies in accordance with inventory records. (4) In regard to control, schools should allocate appropriate and sufficient storage space for supplies and improve the storage sites to ensure safety. Requisition and issuance records should also be constantly monitored and updated. (5) Respecting maintenance, schools should perform regular maintenance of supplies and equipment, along with appointments of inventory officers. (6) In terms of disposal, schools should remove supplies and equipment in disrepair out of inventory records for update by appointing a consideration and inspection committee. Supplies in disrepair should be disposed of, and the revenue from selling the supplies must be returned as public revenue in accordance with the supply’s regulations.


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How to Cite

Soonkhuntod, nuttaporn. (2022). GUIDELINES FOR SUPPLIES ADMINISTRATION IN SCHOOS UNDER THE OFFICE OF PATHUMTHANI PRIMARY EDUCATION SERVICE AREA OFFICE1. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 14(2), 124–138. Retrieved from