
  • กองบรรณาธิการ วารสารรัฏฐาภิรักษ์


The   purpose of this research is to study the détente situations of Thailand in the world context, the      détente situations of Thailand    in Indochina context, and The Thailand’s national strategy in the detente          era from the cold          war. This          research   

used qualitative research   method     by    studying    documents          and  the   use  of a structured   questionnaire          to      interview    experts      and   information          were          analyzed   using          descriptive. The results indicated that confusion and uncertainty      of the international structure in the world an Indochina     affected to the anarchy to the Thai’s nation. Termination of support by USA to Indochina and Southeast Asia, and competition  and expand its   influence in Indochina, of the Soviet Union and        China, including issues of border    fighting in Vietnam-Cambodia and issues of border          fighting      in      Cambodia-Thailand, affected       to confusing towards       the   

implementation   of Thai’s strategyextremely.          Thailand          was   careful        to      support      any  

one   super         power         openly.       Thai’s        strategy          continues  to      live    with   the    situation     that  

occurred    both  in       world situation     and   Indochina          situation.    Therefore, the    Thai’s       

national      strategies in      detente     era   are   two   main          strategies -       Thai’s       national    

strategies  toward        China         and   Thai’s        national          strategies  toward        domestic    issue.         The  

purposes   of     Thai’s       national     strategies were          to          national     security,    balance    of    

power         that   world powers,      threat         from  the          communism        in       Indochina, relations    

between    Thailand    and   China         in       the    past          breakup,    increasing relationship         between   

Thailand    and   China,        reducing    the    sponsorship          and   event          of      communist party of     

China         toward        communist party of      Thailand,   and   a          cut    of      revolution  situation     of     

the    communism        in       Thailand.             The          implementations of      the    Thai’s        national          strategies 

in       detente      era    leads          to      the    increase    in          the    national      power         including    national     

security,     military       power,        economic  power,        social          power,        and   technology          power.


