กฎหมายความมั่นคงฉบับใหม่ของญี่ปุ่น กับผลกระทบด้านความมั่นคง ในภูมิภาคเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้


  • พลตรี สิริพจน์ รำไพกุล


Japan Self-Defense Force, National Security Strategy, Collective Self – Defense, security law, Military Policy


The changing security situation in Southeast Asia, both on China’s territorial claim
dispute or North Korea’s missile test, has caused more tension to the relationship between
Southeast Asian Countries and affected Japan’s national interest. Thus, Japan needs to
review its role in security and the capacity of the Japan Self-Defense Force in order to protect
its national interest. The new national security policy was announced and implemented.
The improved national security strategy includes the transition of its Defense Agency to
Ministry of Defense, law enforcement regarding the transfer of defense equipment and
technology and the reinterpretation of the Article 9 of the Constitution to allow collective
security so that Japan can employ the joint forces with close allies for national defense
within certain limit. Also, the official announcement of the new security law is an expansion
of Japan’s military operations and gives Japan the authority to use their defence forces
in international conflicts within certain limit, as well as bestows the Japan Self-Defense
Force the rights to defend itself, assist friendly nations, and send troops to participate as
part of a UN peacekeeping force. The new security law is considered a major change of
military policy after Japan had been limited by the peace clause by virtue of the current
Constitution for 70 years following the World War II, amidst the concern of neighboring
countries that Japan is attempting to revert to its military superpower status in the past
and that the movement might become an excuse for other countries, especially China and
North Korea, to increase their military influence. This movement of Japan has an impact
not only on security in East Asia, but also Southeast Asia as well; as it has allowed Japan to
seek cooperation from and [provide support to other countries, especially Southeast Asian
nations that are in dispute with China, which may in turn affects the unity of countries in
the region and triggers a regional arms race.






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