Basic Physical Education and Sport Science English Word List for Physical Education Students

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Pong-ampai Kongcharoen


This study is a corpus-driven study that aims to explore the use of words in Coxhead’s Academic Word List (AWL) and West’s General Service List (GSL) and also non- GSL and non- AWL in journal articles in the field of physical education and sport science. A 1.1 million-word corpus called the Physical Education and Sport Science Research Articles Corpus is created for this study. The corpus consists of 280 research articles that have been published in seven international journals in the field of physical education and sport science. The result suggests that both GSL and AWL can help students focus on the right vocabulary when learning
Technical English. The corpus helps students to directly focus on the words that they will see the most in the text they have to study. Moreover field specific word list is conducted in this research. Field specific word lists can help students learn necessary words which are also important for their field of study.

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How to Cite
Kongcharoen, P.- ampai. (2018). Basic Physical Education and Sport Science English Word List for Physical Education Students. rEFLections, 25(2), 120–148.
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