
SoLA Talk Series: Where is the Place of Tok Pisin?


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The SoLA Talk Series returns! Joining us this time at the School of Liberal Arts (SoLA) at King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) is a very special guest from Australia, Dr. Darja Hoenigman (Australian National University College of Asia & the Pacific), who will be bringing to light the issues of one of the fastest growing creoles in the Pacific, Tok Pisin.

Held online via Zoom on 10 February 2025 from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm, interested researchers and scholars are more than welcome to join the session and learn more about the growth of Tok Pisin as a language. Simply scan the Zoom QR code above or join via this Zoom Meeting link on the day of the event!

MAAL Webinar Series 2025


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As part of an ongoing series this year, the first talk for the MAAL Webinar Series 2025 features a unique cast of language experts from the National University of Singapore, all gathered to speak on the topic of language immersion, thematised as "Immersed and Connected: Intercultural Insights from Language Immersion".

Held online this Friday (24 January 2025) from 1 pm to 4 pm (GMT+7), join this ensemble as they share their latest insights on the matter from four linguistic backgrounds. Register today via Google Forms! More information can be found on their official website or by emailing them @

CULI: Publishing in the Age of AI


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We are delighted to be sharing an exclusive talk that is very relevant to our journal and all publishing efforts for that matter. Hosted by Chulalongkorn University Language Institute (CULI) in tandem with their journal PASAA, Dr. Yi-Chin Hsieh (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) will be making a special appearance this week to discuss the prevalent issues of AI in writing for publication in the modern day.

Join us this Thursday (23 January 2025) either on-site at CULI itself @ Meeting Room 1 (3rd Floor) or online via this Zoom Meeting link! No registration required.

Saying Hello to 2025!


Once again, the curtains fall on another year and a promising, new one rises from the horizon. From all of us here at rEFLections, we would like to wish all our authors, reviewers and readers happy holidays as we welcome the year of 2025 with excitement for the fresh, innovative research perspectives to come!


Also, on such occasion, please be noted that our chief editor will temporarily not be responding to any personal messages or emails addressed to him until 15 January 2025. We hope you understand and wish you all a very merry celebration. Happy New Year!

New Requirement for Future Publications


From Vol. 32 (No. 1) and 2025 onwards, rEFLections will be imposing a new requirement for manuscripts that have passed the peer review stage. The requirement is that if your manuscript does not meet the language standards of the journal (as pointed out by the reviewers or our editors), you will be strongly recommended to consult proofreading services of your own accord and show evidence of it upon your impending revision.


Alternatively, if your language errors are not found to be as serious, you may also consult our in-house proofreading services at THB 5,000 per manuscript. Hence, to avoid such expenses, we hereby strongly advise our authors to be as prudent and diligent as possible with their work. Thank you and as always, we wish you all the best of luck.

rEFLections Special Issue 2024


As announced at the end of last year, a number of the most outstanding articles from the current year of publication would be selected to be published in a special print issue, showcasing the best rEFLections has to offer in that year.

As the year now comes to a close, we are pleased to announce that the editorial committee have completed their selection and a total of twelve articles from all three issues have been carefully handpicked to be included in the 2024 print issue we will be releasing soon. For a full list of the curated articles, please click on the title of this post.

We would like to congratulate these authors for their excellence, peerless innovation and thoroughness in research expressed through their unrelenting rigor. We hope their work will serve as great examples for aspiring scholars to follow, and eagerly look forward to seeing more of these bold, innovative ventures in the next year!

RE: TAAL Graduate Forum 2024


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A reminder to all interested scholars and graduate students, the TAAL Graduate Forum will be held online on 14 December 2024 later this year. Take this opportunity to discuss your current research and receive constructive feedback from experts in the field, as well as network with up-and-coming and established applied linguists during the event!

For those who are planning to participate, please submit a 250-word abstract of your MA/PhD work in progress via Google Forms by 17 November 2024. No registration fee required. For more details about the event, please visit their website or email your enquiries to

TAAL Graduate Forum 2024


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Welcoming graduate students from all across Thailand to share the latest developments in their dissertations, the Thai Association of Applied Linguistics (TAAL) will be continuing their tradition of nurturing and inspiring up-and-coming scholars in applied linguistics in their TAAL Graduate Forum this year.

Focused on shaping young minds and providing seasoned researchers with possibly new perspectives, this is a great opportunity for MA and PhD students to open up their work to their peers in the field and receive professional critique on further improving the quality of their research.

Submit your abstract via Google Forms today or by 17 November 2024. For further details regarding the event, more information will be uploaded in due time on their website. Alternatively, you may also email your enquiries to

SoLA Talk Series: Sentiment Analysis for Annual Financial Reports


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Part of a series of talks organized by the School of Liberal Arts (SoLA) at King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), join our special guest, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Attapol Thamrongrattanarit (Chulalongkorn University), as he showcases the practicality of sentiment analysis in fiscal reports.

Held on-site this Wednesday (9 October 2024) from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm at SoLA (Room 904), interested researchers and scholars are more than welcome to join the session and learn about a real-case use of applied linguistics. Register today via Google Forms or by 8 October 2024!

ASEAN TeachingEnglish Online Conference 2024


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Organized by TeachnigEnglish Asia of British Council, the ASEAN TeachingEnglish Online Conference 2024 invites you to gain and discuss the latest insights from eminent speakers at this year's conference running from 10 to 30 October, 2024.

Beginning with this Thursday on 10 October 2024, from 8 to 9 pm (GMT+7), dive into the world of exploratory action research in the inaugural talk, "All Ears for Change: Transformative Practices in Exploratory Action Research", and discover how it may enable you to tackle educational challenges, adapt to various teaching situations, and enhance your teaching methods.

Register today via their official conference webpage for free access to the 20-day Zoom Conference event.

RELC 59th International Conference: Call for Papers


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Working in conjunction with multiple high-profile institutions from the UK (such as British Council and the University of London), the Regional Language Centre (RELC) of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) are proud and excited to announce their 59th International Conference and with it, a call for proposal submissions!

Held next year from 17 to 19 March 2025, the theme of the conference is centered on "Learning and Teaching English in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts" and welcomes a variety of related topic areas such as intercultural competence in the global workforce, and multilingualism and multiculturalism in language teacher professional development.

Deadline for proposal submissions falls on 30 September 2024. Don't miss this opportunity to present your work on an international level at such a prestigious event. For more details about the conference, please feel free to visit their official conference webpage, which will be updated with more information in due time.

MULA: Workshop on Lesson Planning & Implementation


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Organized by the Faculty of Liberal Arts at Mahidol University and sponsored by the Regional English Language Office (RELO) in Bangkok, interested teachers and scholars are cordially invited to a workshop titled, "The Science and Art of Lesson Planning & Implementation: Developing Reading Activities for Gen Z Students", where Prof. Emeritus Dr. Neil Anderson (Brigham Young University, Hawaii) will be bringing to light the timely topic of teaching next-generation students.

Held in Room 424 of the Sirividhya Building at Mahidol University's Salaya Campus, the exclusive workshop will run from 1 pm to 4 pm on one day only (7 August 2024). Be sure to register today via Google Forms or contact Ms. Sontaya Sinluenam for more information!

Language Education Talks: Beyond the Sentence


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Part of a special lecture series organized by BSED English III of Negros Oriental State University (Philippines), we are excited to present a special Language Education Talk on discourse analysis titled, "Beyond the Sentence: Unpacking Knowledge and Language Structures through the Lens of Discourse Analysis".

Held on two separate days, 7 and 11 June 2024, from 2 to 4 pm each, join talented speakers Prof. Dr. Nic L. Guinto (Southern Luzon State University, Philippines) and Asst. Prof. Dr. Joey Andrew Lucido Santos (National Taiwan University of Science & Technology, Taiwan) as they share and discuss their latest insights in the field with particular foci on critical discourse analysis and multimodality.

Follow their Facebook Page and stay tuned for updates on the Google Meet link!

Applied Linguistics Day 2024


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Hosted by the Thai Association for Applied Linguistics and the English Department at the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University, this year's Applied Linguistics Day will be taking place on 8 June 2024 at the Faculty of Liberal Arts at Thammasat University's Tha Prachan Campus.

Also attending the event is Assoc. Prof. Dr. Neil Bowen (Thammasat University) who will be delivering a keynote speech, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Richard Watson Todd (King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi) and Asst. Prof. Dr. Athip Thumvichit (Mahidol University) who will be running workshops on research methodologies in applied linguistics.

Register for the one-day event via Google Forms today! To see the event's full schedule and list of parallel sessions, please click on the title of this post.

SoLA: Technology & L2 Learning Forum


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Engage, learn, and discover! The School of Liberal Arts (SoLA) at King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) is proud to share with you an opportunity to discuss the role of technology in L2 learning at length with the venerable Prof. Dr. Mark R. Freiermuth (Gunma Prefectural Women's University, Japan).

Titled "Technology and L2 Learning: Does Interaction Really Matter?" and held online this Monday on 13 May 2024 from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm, everyone is welcome to simply join the forum via this Zoom Meeting link (with Passcode: 352641) on the day of the event. See you there!

SoLA: Translanguaging Webinar


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Endorsed by the School of Liberal Arts (SoLA) at King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), we are excited to present a webinar on a trending topic in ELT: translanguaging. Titled "The Ordinariness of Translanguaging and its Implications for ELT", the webinar will be headed by the brilliant Prof. Sender Dovchin (Curtin University, Australia) who will be speaking about the potential of translanguaging in reshaping ELT practices.

Held online on 30 May 2024 at 9 am (GMT+7) and 10 am (GMT+8), register today for the webinar via Google Forms and join other like-minded scholars in the provocative discussion. The Zoom Meeting can be accessed via this link (with Passcode: 183942) on the day of the event.

ICELS 2024: Call for Papers


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Hosted by the School of Foreign Languages at Suranaree University of Technology (SUT), the International Conference on English Language Studies (ICELS) 2024 is being held on 8 August 2024, with a theme centered around the notion of "Technology Encapsulated".

Featuring well-known experts in the research area such as the likes of Prof. Dr. Shahid Abrar-ul-Hassan (Yorkville University, Canada), Prof. Dr. Lin Shen (Guizhou University, China) and SUT's own Prof. Dr. Andrew Lian, the conference provides a great opportunity for scholars and researchers to gather, confer and discuss the role technology plays in the constantly evolving paradigm of ELT and applied linguistics.

Submit your abstract today! Deadline for abstract submission closes on 8 July 2024. For more information regarding the event, please feel free to visit their conference webpage.

TESOL Talk for Teachers of Multiple Languages


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To our fellow TESOL professionals, enthusiasts and scholars specializing in multilingualism, we are delighted to share with you an exclusive talk by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eric K. Ku (Hokkaido University, Japan) that will be given online at San Francisco State University this Saturday morning from 8 to 9 am (GMT+7), or in their case, Friday evening from 6 to 7 pm (PST).

Focusing on the topic of "Teachers of Multiple Languages: What TESOL Professionals Need to Know", come register for the talk via Google Forms and join other interested academics in the upcoming discussion. Additionally, there will also be an Open House after the talk where one can learn more about the TESOL MA/Certificates program being offered by San Francisco State University.

Happy Songkran Holidays!


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From all of us here at rEFLections, we would like to wish all our authors, contributors and readers a Happy Songkran Festival as we welcome the Thai New Year! Thus, on such occasion, please note that our chief editor will not be responding to any personal messages or emails that are sent to him temporarily until 17 April 2024.

We hope you understand and wish you all a merry celebration. Happy holidays!

The 5th Doing Research in Applied Linguistics (DRAL 5)


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Partnered with English in Southeast Asia (ESEA), the Education, Languages, and Internationalisation Network (ELINET) and the EMI Resource Center at National Chengchi University (NCCU), the School of Liberal Arts (SoLA) at King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) is proud to invite aspiring scholars to the 5th Doing Research in Applied Linguistics International Conference.

Held this fall from 5 to 7 September 2024, the conference is a premier platform for like-minded researchers to come together, learn and discuss key issues spanning a diverse range of topics, from applied linguistics and ELT in Southeast Asia to intercultural competence and EMI across various contexts.

Submit your abstract today! Deadline for abstract submission closes soon on 30 April, 2024. For registration details and other information regarding the event, please feel free to visit our conference website.

CULI TERA ERF International Conference 2024


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In collaboration with Thailand Extensive Reading Association (TERA) and Extensive Reading Foundation (ERF), Chulalongkorn University Language Institute (CULI) is ecstatic to host an international conference focused on "Promoting English Reading in the Asian Context and Beyond" at Arnoma Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand.

From 22 to 23 August 2024, join an all-star cast of English reading experts consisting of Neil Anderson (Brigham Yong University), Rob Waring (Extensive Reading Foundation), Janice Bland (Nord University) and Thammasat University's own Dumrong Adunyarittigun, as they share and discuss the latest insights on advocating English reading among learners across all contexts.

Submit your abstract today! Deadline for abstract submission closes on 30 April 2024. For more details regarding the event, please feel free to visit their conference webpage.

ICLALIS 2024: Call for Papers


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Organized by the Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge & Language Learning (PPIB) of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), the 4th International Conference on Language, Linguistics & Society (ICLALIS) aspires to bring together local and international scholars to engage in high-level discussions regarding current and important issues such as language education, linguistic systems and language in society.

Held in The Palace Hotel in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah from June 10 to 11, 2024, the conference's theme focuses on "Research Complexity and Emerging Trends in Language, Linguistics & Society" and also features keynote addresses by leading experts Prof. Dr. Siaw-Fong Chung (National Chengchi University) and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barry Lee Reynolds (University of Macau).

Submit your abstract or register today! Deadline for abstract submission closes on 31 March 2024. For more details or information regarding the event, please feel free to visit their conference webpage.

CULI: 2024 Post-RELC Seminar


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Sponsored by Thailand's Ministry of Education, Chulalongkorn University Language Institute (CULI) is proud to announce that the 2024 Post-RELC Seminar will be taking place on 15 March 2024 at the illustrious Siam@Siam Design Hotel in Bangkok.

Helmed by a talented cast of plenary speakers such as Julio C. Rodriguez (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa), Nobuyuki Hino (Osaka University), Joel C. Meniado (SEAMEO RELC) and Chulalongkorn University's own Woralan Kongpolphrom, meet and share insights with scholars around the globe as they discuss "Re-humanizing, Re-conceptualizing and Re-imagining Language Teaching & Learning for Education 5.0".

Register for the exclusive seminar today! For more information and details regarding the event, please feel free to visit their conference webpage.

FLLT Conference 2024: Call for Papers


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Held at Courtyard by Marriott in Phuket Town this summer from June 21 to 22, 2024, the Language Institute of Thammasat University (LITU) is esctatic to invite academics and scholars once again to the Foreign Language Learning & Teaching (FLLT) Conference, this time in Thailand's most iconic coastal getaway.

Centered around the theme of "Global Voices in ELT: Embracing Multicultural Perspectives", join a seasoned cast of plenary speakers amid sunsets and horizons as they convene on concurrent issues native to the very heart of ELT and EFL.

For those interested, submit your abstract or register today! Deadline for abstract submission closes on 15 April 2024. For more details or information regarding the event, please feel free to visit their conference webpage.

The 50th JALT International Conference


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From November 15 to 18, 2024, join the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) as they host and celebrate their 50th International Conference back in Shizuoka, Japan!

With the theme of "Moving JALT into the Future: Opportunity, Diversity and Excellence" in mind, JALT is welcoming presentation proposals from scholars all over the world on a variety of topics such as language classroom content, professional development and psychology vis-à-vis language learning.

Submit your proposal today or before 10 March 2024! For registration details and other information regarding the event, please visit their conference webpage.

EdUHK: 2024 International Conference on TeLLT & CoLLT


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A joint effort (among major universities in Hong Kong) led by The Education University of Hong Kong, don't miss out on this international conference focusing on two trending topics: Technology-enhanced Language Learning & Teaching (TeLLT) and Corpus-based Language Learning & Teaching (CoLLT).

Held from July 3 to 5, 2024 and featuring an ensemble line-up of keynote speakers from across the globe, the conference not only presents an exciting opportunity to expand one's repertoire of knowledge, but also to connect and collaborate with like-minded scholars.

Register for the conference today! For more information and details regarding the event, please visit their conference webpage or email your enquiries to

rEFLections: End-of-Year Update


To all our current authors with active submissions, we sincerely appreciate your unending patience thus far as we do our best to process each manuscript as speedily and carefully as we can. Rest assured that even as the holidays approach from around the corner, we will still be working through them to ensure your work receives the attention it rightfully deserves.


Thank you for your continued support over the past year, and from all of us here at rEFLections, we would like to wish everyone happy holidays and a happy new year!

The 5th Doing Research in Applied Linguistics (DRAL 5)


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Held next fall, from September 5 to 7, 2024, registrations and submissions are now open for the 5th Doing Research in Applied Linguistics International Conference!

Welcoming honorary plenary speakers such as Dr. Wee Hock Ann, Prof. Eric Friginal and Dr. Nicola Galloway, don't miss this opportunity to expand your circle with like-minded individuals from all over the world and discuss key issues in applied linguistics together.

Register or submit your abstract today! Deadline for abstract submission is on 30 April, 2024. For registration details and other information regarding the event, please feel free to visit our conference website.

Moving Forward: rEFLections 2024 & Onwards


To all our authors, contributors and readers, as another fruitful year comes to a close, we have a few major announcements to share with you that will impact the journey we take forward. Please take note of the following changes as we enter the year of 2024 and onwards:


We are Going Digital

From 2024 onwards, rEFLections will be going fully digital; this means that printed issues will effectively be discontinued until further notice and all future issues will only be accessible online (See Archives). However, there is an exception for a special curated print that will be released at the end of each year, where 10 to 12 of the most noteworthy articles will be handpicked to showcase the best of rEFLections that year.


Revised Count of Articles per Issue

From 2024 onwards, the total number of articles published per issue will be adjusted to 14 ~ 16. This is to accommodate more academic work from our authors without being overwhelming in each issue. However, exceptions will also be made for conference papers that will be selected for inclusion in our special issue(s) throughout the year.


Expected Delay Due to Influx of Submissions

With a global rise in recognition, rEFLections has seen an explosion in the number of submissions we received this year. While the editorial team is working as hard as they can to meet our authors' demands, we would like to manage expectations as well. Until further notice, please note that if a submission is received now, the entire due process may take up to 8 or 12 months to reach its finality.


Update on Formal Requests & Correspondence

We, at rEFLections, would like to remind our authors that we reserve the right to issue an acceptance letter only after a submission has gone through its due process. Regarding email correspondences, please note that only urgent matters will be tended to with haste; general enquiries will be tended to at the editorial team's discretion.


Thank you for your support and attention as always. We wish you all happy holidays in the coming weeks!

The 5th Doing Research in Applied Linguistics (DRAL 5)


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Partnered with English in Southeast Asia (ESEA) and the Education, Languages, and Internationalisation Network (ELINET), the School of Liberal Arts (SoLA) at King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) is proud and ecstatic to invite aspiring scholars to the 5th Doing Research in Applied Linguistics International Conference, held next fall from September 5 to 7, 2024.

Tackling a diverse range of topics from applied linguistics to intercultural competence and to language planning and policies, the conference is a premier platform for like-minded researchers to come together, learn and discuss key issues in each area.

Submit your abstract today! Deadline for abstract submission is on 30 April, 2024. For registration details and other information regarding the event, please feel free to visit our conference website.

NTUST: 2024 International Conference on ALLT


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Organized by the Department of Applied Foreign Languages at National Taiwan University of Science & Technology (NTUST), the 2024 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching (ALLT) will be welcoming linguistic and ELT scholars this spring to their campus in Taiwan, from 19 to 20 April, 2024.

With a theme centered on "Re-visiting and Re-imagining Multi-modalities, Multi-literacies, and Multi-pedagogies in ELT", participate in complex and insightful conversations with a renowned cast of experts from across the world who will be delivering keynote addresses at the event.

Submit your abstract today or before 1 November, 2023! For more information and other details regarding the event, please visit their conference webpage or email your enquiries to

AUA International Academic Conference 2023


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Hosted by Universiti Malaya in conjunction with Asian Universities Alliance, the AUA International Academic Conference on Corpus Linguistics in 2023 focuses on "New Trends in Language and Linguistic Studies" and can be attended online from 24 to 25 November, 2023.

Featuring keynote speakers from across the globe such as Prof. Paul Baker, Prof. Mona Baker, Prof. Elvind Engebretsen and Wmatrix workshop leader Prof. Paul Rayson, join a roster of brilliant and eager individuals as they convene together on innovative approaches, emerging theories and novel applications in corpus linguistics.

Register for free via Google today! Visit their official website for more information and updates.

Fulbright: 2024 Thai Visiting Scholar Program (TVS)


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To all seasoned Thai national lecturers and researches (with at least 10 years of experience), Fulbright is currently offering grants to applicants who are interested in a 3- to 6-month academic visit to any major university or research institution in the United States!

For those interested in their Thai Visiting Scholar Program, apply online today via their official website or find out more by emailing your enquiries to Deadline for applications closes on 31 October, 2023.

CULI International Conference 2023


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With a renewed focus on "ELT in the New Era: From Basic to Higher Education", Chulalongkorn University Language Institute (CULI) is keen to announce that they will be hosting their annual international conference online (via Zoom) this fall, from 23 to 25 November, 2023.

Featuring renowned plenary speakers such as Richard Donato (University of Pittsburgh), Lucilla Lopriore (Roma Tre University) and Chulalongkorn University's own Attapol Thamrongrattanarit, join us online and convene together on contemporary strategies and teaching-related issues across all pillars of education.

Submit your abstract by 15 October, 2023. For registration details and other information regarding the event, please visit their conference webpage or email your enquiries to


AILA World Congress 2024 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


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Celebrating 60 years of "Linguistic Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Sustainability", the Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée (AILA) is ecstatic to announce that their 21st World Congress will take place exactly a year from now in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 11 to 16 August, 2024.

Deadlines have even been extended for those interested in hosting a workshop/symposium or presenting their work at the renowned conference until 30 September, 2023. With keynote speakers flying in from all over the world, this is an excellent opportunity to garner expert-level insights on key issues in applied linguistics on a global scale. 

Visit their official website today to register, submit your abstract or look up other details regarding the event such as their list of sub-themes. For more information, please email your enquiries to

Call for Book Reviews 2023


To our prospective authors, research and academic articles are not the only items we specialize in at rEFLections. For the uninitiated, our journal also includes a book review each issue that critiques a recently published book on EFL or applied linguistics for the benefit of our readers.

So, if you are interested in publishing with us, book reviews are a decent alternative for you. Book reviews are also shorter (800 - 1000 words) and more concise. However, please keep in mind that the recency of the book reviewed should not be more than five years old (Preferable: Less than two years). Submit one today!

For guidelines on writing a book review, this post from last year may be helpful for you.

For sample book reviews, feel free to consult past entries of previous issues of the journal here.

For submissions and enquiries, please contact Howard Lim (Book Review Editor) at

TAAL 1st International Conference 2023


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We are excited to announce that the Thai Association of Applied Linguistics (TAAL) will be hosting their first ever international conference this November at Burapha University in Chonburi, Thailand.

With a theme centered on "Applied Linguistics and Society: Opportunities for Real-World Impacts", this is a great opportunity for scholars in applied linguistics to expand their circle by presenting at this conference with other like-minded and renowned individuals from Thailand and around the world.

Submit your abstract today! Deadline for abstract submission is on July 31, 2023. For registration details and other information regarding the event, please visit their conference webpage or email your enquiries to

FLLT Conference 2023: Call for Papers


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Hosted in a special collaboration with Microsoft, the Language Institute of Thammasat University is proud to present the Foreign Language Learning & Teaching Conference 2023, held at Microsoft Headquarters in Thailand from June 9 to 10, 2023.

With a focus on "Empowering English-Language Learners and Teachers with Innovative Technology", the conference also features keynote speakers from all across Asia-Pacific, including Thailand's own Prof. Dr. Jintavee Khlaisang from Chulalongkorn University.

For those interested in presenting their papers at this conference, the period for abstract submission is still open until April 30, 2023. For more details or information regarding the event, please head over to their ZipEvent page or click on the title of this post.

Situation Update at rEFLections


To all current and future authors, we are currently processing an unusually high number of submissions at rEFLections. Due to this sudden influx, we kindly ask for your patience and understanding as we work through your manuscripts as fast as we can. Your work is as important to us as it is to you and we are doing our best to make sure that each manuscript is receiving the attention it deserves.


For authors who are interested in publishing with us, please note that the waiting time has exponentially increased since the influx. We would like to inform all future authors that if  a submission is being received now, it may take approximately 8 - 12 months for the entire publication process to reach its finality (though this may be shorter depending on the quality of the manuscript). We solemnly apologize for the great deal of inconvenience this might cause, but we believe transparency with our authors should always come first.


Thank you very much for your continued patience and from all of us here at rEFLections, we wish you the best of luck in your publishing efforts.

We are Moving Back to ThaiJo


To all current and future authors, please note that we will no longer be using Editorial Manager (EM) from March 31st, 2023 onwards. Instead, we will be moving back to ThaiJo for all submissions, reviews and editing, starting from today (as of March 1st, 2023).


For our current authors whose work is still being processed in EM, you will be sent emails shortly updating you on the next steps to take. For new authors, simply register for an account on this website and you may begin your submission process right away. Keep in mind that there is no longer a need to email our chief editor for a preliminary assessment. We will process your manuscripts directly from ThaiJo.


Some of you may remember using ThaiJo previously. While there have been a few back-end improvements, the workings of the system largely remain the same. However, if there are any problems or enquiries regarding ThaiJo, please do not hesitate to email Mr. Howard Lim. Thank you and we wish you the best of luck.

Plagiarism & Using AI-Generated Text: A Research Integrity Workshop


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Headed by King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi's (KMUTT) very own Assoc. Prof. Dr. Richard Watson Todd, this upcoming online workshop on research integrity focuses on plagiarism and new paradigms in research brought on by the rise of use of AI-generated text.

Held on March 16, 2023 from 9 to 12 PM (GMT 7+) and with 480 seats available, be sure to register online for the workshop by March 10, 2023! For more information, please contact Mr. Keerati Pinijsattawong or visit our website.

New Submission Protocol for rEFLections 2023


Previously, prior to making an online submission via our system, authors were required to first email their manuscripts to our chief editor for a preliminary assessment. We are keen to announce that from Vol. 30 (No. 1) onwards, this will no longer be mandatory. Instead, from 2023 onwards, authors can now proceed straight to making an online submission without emailing any editor.


With that said, we will also be migrating to a new system with different guidelines and a more streamlined structure. So, stay tuned for an update on navigating the new system as we make this lengthy transition. Thank you for your support and attention. We wish you all happy holidays.

TBLT 10th International Conference: Call for Papers


Held at Khon Kaen University from 19 to 21 June 2023, the 10th international conference on Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) will feature plenary talks, a conference dinner, doctoral workshops and a Thai-Isan cultural tour among other events, all centered on the theme "Resilience & Innovation".

Scholars and researchers all over the world are welcome to submit articles addressing a variety of topics ranging from (but not limited to) technology-mediated TBLT to TBLT vis-à-vis global Englishes.

Period for abstract submission is open from now until 31st January 2023. For more submission details, please head on over to their conference website or register directly via ConfTool.

TAAL Webinar: 'The Languaging Curriculum'


Presented by the Thai Association of Applied Linguistics (TAAL), 'The Languaging Curriculum' webinar aims to demonstrate how principles of languaging may be applied in educational courses at the tertiary level.

Join renowned researcher Assoc. Prof. Dr. Richard Watson Todd and his associate Mr. Ronnakrit Rangsarittikun in this webinar as they discuss the innovative curriculum via Zoom on December 1, 2022 from 10 AM to 12 PM (GMT 7+). Register now via Google!

'Building a Generation of Readers' - A Free Virtual Seminar


Hosted in conjunction with Australian Aid and Read to Learn Plus+, Prince of Songkla University (Pattani Campus) is excited to invite all English teachers and students to a webinar focused on 'Applying Extensive Reading to Boost English Reading Literacy' among students.

Featuring Prof Dr. Rob Waring from Notre Dame Seishin University (Japan) and Dr. Paul Goldberg (Founder of Xreading), the Zoom seminar will be free to join next Saturday on November 19, 2022 from 9 AM to 4 PM (GMT 7+). Register now via their Google link!

LETS International Conference 2023 in Shanghai, China


Focusing on the theme "Diversities & Voices in Language Education & Thai Studies", Thammasat University's Faculty of Liberal Arts is proud to host, in collaboration with other partner institutions, the Language Education & Thai Studies International Conference 2023 (LETS 2023), welcoming all Thai and foreign researchers to present their work, concepts and theories at Shanghai's own Super Brand Mall next year from 12 to 13 September 2023.

Various topics include (but not limited to) translanguaging, intercultural communication, innovative pedagogy, translation studies, and diversity across language learning and teaching. Abstracts or full-text articles are currently being accepted from now until December 31, 2022. For submission details and more information, please visit their conference website or email your enquiries to

'Train the Trainers' - A Free Teaching Workshop


Organized by the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University (MULA) and supported by the Regional English Language Office (RELO) of the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok, 'Train the Trainers: Teaching English to Students with Hearing Impairment' offers free training sessions and teaching practicums for Thai teachers interested in developing English teaching materials and activities for students with hearing disabilities.

Led by Dr. Susan Marie Rumann and other teaching experts from the United States, the program is free of admission and limited to only 18 seats. Participants who complete the program will also receive a certificate from MULA and RELO. Visit this link to apply now for the program (deadline ends on October 10, 2022). For further details, please email your enquiries to

The 42nd Thailand TESOL Intl. Conference 2023: Call for Papers


The Association of English Teachers in Thailand (Thailand TESOL) is proud to announce that they will be hosting their 42nd international conference at The Ambassador Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand next year from 27 to 28 January 2023.

In anticipation of the event, scholars and academics from all over the world are welcome to submit articles addressing a wide array of topics, all based on the theme "ELT for the Future: Navigating the Possibilities".

Deadline period for abstract submission is from 1st August to 30th September 2022. To submit your abstract and for more details, please head on over to their conference website.

'The Languaging Curriculum' - A Free Online Webinar


Join us and our roster of innovative educators on Monday (June 23rd, 2022) as we explore the principles of languaging and how they can be applied in three sample courses for university education. Free admission!

Call for Book Reviews 2022


As rEFLections continues to expand in issues, so comes a growing need for perspective. Hence, we are inviting authors to submit insightful reviews of recent books published in the field of EFL or applied linguistics (at least since 2020). Book reviews should be short and concise, reaching only about 800 – 1000 words each.

Reviews submitted should also provide a constructive critique of the book's content and arguments, and its strengths and limitations, based on the book's intended goal, whilst including important and relevant academic references where possible to support your evaluation.

Ideally, an effective book review should include the following:

  1. - A brief overview of the book's content, purposes and intended audience.
  2. - A critique of the book's content and arguments, highlighting key strengths and weaknesses with references to other work (where possible).
  3. - An overall assessment of the suitability of the book for teachers, educators, students, etc.

All book reviews will be considered for publication based on the quality of the reviewer's critique/evaluation of the book and organization of arguments.

For sample book reviews, feel free to consult past entries of previous issues of the journal here.

For submissions and enquiries, please contact Howard Lim (Book Review Editor) at

ALANZ-ALAA-ALTAANZ 2022 Conference in Wellington City


Organized by Applied Linguistics in Aotearoa New Zealand (ALANZ) in conjunction with Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA) and the Association of Language Testing and Assessment Australia and New Zealand (ALTAANZ), the biennial conference is excited in welcoming applied linguists from New Zealand, Australia, the Asia-Pacific region and the rest of the world to share their insights in cool, little Wellington City this November.

For those interested in attending, early-bird registrations will open from April 1st, 2022 until June 30th, 2022. For those interested in submitting their papers, abstracts are being accepted until April 9th, 2022. Visit their conference website for more details (such as keynote speakers, research topics and taxi/shuttle services). Kia ora and enjoy!

rEFLections has been indexed in The Norwegian Register


rEFLections is proud and delighted to announce that the journal has been indexed in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers, often known simply as The Norwegian Register. Operated jointly between Norway's National Board of Scholarly Publishing (NPU) and Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills, the database contains data on thousands of approved scientific journals, series and publishers, both from Norway and across the world.

We owe our thanks to Thai-Journal Citation Index Center (TCI) and our readers for their continued support, and will continue to uphold the high standard of academic practice and research that has become a staple in this journal.

rEFLections: End-of-Year Update


As the eventful year of 2021 comes to a close, we are sad to announce that Sonthida Keyuravong will be stepping down from her position as chief editor after a remarkable 11-year career of spearheading the journal's progress and development. We express our most beloved thanks for all her years of service and dedication, and wish her nothing but all the best in her future endeavors. The lasting impact she left on the journal will surely be felt for years to come.


Taking over the mantle of leadership, Thanis Tangkitjaroenkun will be serving as our new editor-in-chief from 2022 onwards. An experienced and long-standing editor of the rEFLections committee, we have no doubt that he will continue to uphold our mission of educating our readers on the latest EFL and linguistic insights. As we look forward to the upcoming year with zeal and promise, we would also like to take this chance to thank everyone for their continued support and following.


From everyone here at rEFLections, we wish you all happy holidays and a Happy New Year.

New Screening Measures for Future Submissions


From Vol. 28 (No. 3) onwards, rEFLections will be rolling out new screening measures for all authors interested in submitting their work to the journal. Before registering and making a submission on Editorial Manager (EM; the journal's system), please send your manuscripts to our editor, Thanis Tangkitjaroenkun @ for preliminary assessment.


Once approved, you will then receive an email from our team prompting you to register on EM and submit your manuscript there for further review. If you have any further enquiries regarding this change in our process, please do not hesitate to contact us at or Thank you and wish you the best of luck.

The 4th Doing Research in Applied Linguistics (DRAL 4)


King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi in Bangkok, in association with the Malaysian Association of Applied Linguistics, the Singapore Association for Applied Linguistics and the Thai Association for Applied Linguistics, would like to invite you to participate in the DRAL4 2021 International Conference (VIRTUAL/ONLINE) on 4th September 2021.

Free registration

For general enquiries: Natjiree Jaturapitakkul
For registration: Parichat Muangprakaew
For proposal submission: Richard Watson Todd

More information, please visit here:


Yorkville University (Canada) Special Presentation



Yorkville University (Canada) invites you to a special presentation in Yorkville’s Research and Scholarly Directions Webinar Series! Tune in on Wednesday, 31 March 2021 at 2.00 am as Shahid A. Hassan (Yorkville University) and Hossein Nassaji (University of Victoria) talk on and discuss their topic of Scholarship in Teacher's Assessment Literacy.

Although effective assessment of learners gained salience in recent years, teachers’ language assessment literacy (LAL) has received scant attention in the field. LAL refers to a range of competencies as well as literacies that teachers need to have to conduct language assessment in their curricular practice. As the COVID-19 crisis led to new challenges, assessment practice is no exception. Remote and online teaching during this crisis has further highlighted the significance of LAL for the success and the quality of education. This interactive presentation showcases a Special Issue on LAL in System, an international journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics published by Elsevier (UK).

Email Registration: Jill Cummings, Ph.D. <>
Webinar Link:
Zoom ID: 757 614 5691

Applied Linguistics Graduate Forum 2021


On 27th March 2021, join us in this forum hosted by the Thai Association of Applied Linguistics (TAAL) as we meet and discuss applied linguistics with promising individuals from the field! Don't miss this chance to have an audience with graduate students, researchers and experts of the area from all across Thailand, and receive valuable, constructive feedback from them, completely free of charge!

Register online here:
Webinar Link:


TAAL Webinar Series: A Guide to Publishing in Top Journals


On behalf of Thai Association for Applied Linguistics (TAAL), we invite you and members of your orgnaization to a six-part webinar series, "The Ultimate Guide to Publishing Research in Top Journals", which will be held from March 2021 to January 2022. Please see for assorted webinar topics.

These webinars aim to support the development of early/mid-career researchers in Thailand and help them achieve their academic aspirations by publishing their work. In the webinars, our keynote speakers ― Assoc. Prof. Dr. Richard Watson Todd and Dr. Neil Bowen will share their expertise and experience of the best writing practices for authors and the publishing process. Both speakers have had relevant experiences publishing in Q1 SCOPUS for many years. Participants will not only gain the confidence to publish, but also learn the hidden tips and tricks of publishing in reputable internation jounrlas, especially those in Q1.

The first episode of the webinar series begins next Wednesday! Hope to see you there!

Register online here:
Webinar Link:


rEFLections in 2021: Call for Papers


rEFLections is ecstatic to announce that from 2021 onwards, three issues will be published annually. With more room to fill, the journal is now inviting paper submissions of original and significant contributions to the field of EFL and Applied Linguistics.

Research articles, academic articles and book reviews are all welcome throughout the year for consideration. Please refer here for our submission guidelines. Manuscripts submitted should be of original work, and should not already be published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors must also inform the editorial team if the manuscript is based on a paper that has been presented at a conference.

The 1st issue will begin in January and last until April, followed by the 2nd issue (May to August) and 3rd issue (September to December). For further enquiries, please contact Thanis Tangkitjaroenkun at or Saranya Saranchat at

TAAL Awards for Best Research Article & Theses


The Thai Association for Applied Linguistics (TAAL) is pleased to announce their research awards in 3 categories: (i) Best Research Article; (ii) Best Doctoral Thesis; and (iii) Best Masters Thesis. All authors affiliated with Thai universities or other institutions are welcome to make a submission. Theses submitted, however, must be awarded by Thai universities.

Deadline for submission is 31st October 2020. If interested, please fill in and submit the application form to Dr. Lanchukorn Sriwimon ( For further enquiries, please visit TAAL or contact Ms. Saranya Saranchat (


Asia-Pacific LSPPC 6th International Conference: Call for Papers



The Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication (LSPPC) Association is now inviting paper presentations, poster presentations and thematic panels that address any aspect of LSP (Language for Specific Purposes) and research in Professional Communication.

Focusing on the theme of "Multimodality and Beyond: Addressing complexity and emerging needs in LSP", the conference will be held online from 3rd to 5th June 2021.

Deadline for abstract submission is 31st October 2020. For more details, please click on the title of this post or  visit their conference website.

Call for Book Reviews



rEFLections invites reviews of current books in Applied Linguistics or ELT that need to have been published since 2018. Book reviews should be about 800 – 1000 words.

Reviews submitted should provide a constructive critique of the arguments and content of the book, its major strengths and limitations based on the aims of the author including the important academic references related to theory and research in the area to support your argument.

To help you prepare an effective review, it should include:

  1. A brief overview of the content of the book.
  2. An introduction to the purposes of the book and its intended audience.
  3. A critique of the content and the argument of the book (references to other work should be included in the critique).
  4. An assessment of the suitability of the book for teachers, practitioners, students, etc.

All reviews will be considered for publication on the basis of the quality of the overall evaluation of the book and organization of the arguments.

For sample book reviews, please consult current issues of the journal at

For inquiries, please contact Punjaporn Pojanapunya (Book Reviews Editor) at

rEFLections has been accepted for inclusion in the Scopus



rEFLections is very delighted to announce that the journal has been accepted for inclusion in the Scopus abstract and citation database. The editorial team owes this to the dedicated Scopus local board, the Thai-Journal Citation Index Center (TCI), and the TCI-TRF Scopus Collaboration Project for their professional support. We are strongly committed to improve the quality of our journal so as to promote good practices in English language teaching and research.

National Geographic Online Professional Development




National Geographic Learning collaborated with The College of Education and Human Development at George Mason University to deliver a special three-part webinar series called Online Teaching for English Teachers. Drawing on their research and teaching experience, Drs. Joan Kang Shin and Jered Borup from George Mason University shared practical tips for breaking through your screen and engaging your English language students in ways that improve their learning and makes your students feel part of a supportive learning community, even when attending classes online.


BALEAP Conference: Exploring pedagogical approaches in EAP teaching


8th April 2021 - 10th April 2021



English for Academic study at the University of Glasgow is delighted to welcome you to the BALEAP 2021 Conference.

Building on the 2019 Leeds conference theme (the practitioner), we aim to provide a forum to explore pedagogies for teaching EAP in different contexts, at different levels, face to face and online, and for EAP teacher development.

Some of the questions we are hoping to explore include:

  • What does teaching EAP involve and how do we research it?
  • What does it mean to teach EAP in different contexts?
  • Have we got a shared understanding of this, if indeed this is possible?
  • Does EAP have a signature pedagogy?
  • How do we support teachers in their development?
  • How do we enhance and assure quality in EAP teaching?
  • How do our pedagogies inform and respond to current issues in higher education, such as the increasing attention on teaching, transnational education and massification and use of technologies?

The conference will feature pre-conference events including those for the new BALEAP SIGs, distinguished international plenary speakers, panel discussions and symposia, individual paper and poster presentations, workshops, lightening talks, BALEAP’s signature early evening Pecha Kucha session and other informal networking events. We hope you can join us!

Details can be found on the conference website:

AILA Tandem Initiative: Growing the ASEAN Network of Applied Linguistics



The MAAL-SAAL-TAAL initiative aims to intensify networking and collaboration between the Malaysian Association of Applied Linguistics (MAAL), the Singapore Association of Applied Linguistics (SAAL), the Thailand Association of Applied Linguistics (TAAL) – and future partners in the ASEAN region.

MAAL and SAAL have collaborated on a joint initiative since 2013. The associations convened symposia with speakers from each AILA national affiliate to present on a topic of common interest in applied linguistics. In 2018, the new Thailand Association of Applied Linguistics (TAAL) also participated in this activity in Kuala Lumpur where presenters spoke about trends in applied linguistics in their own country.  Subsequently, in 2019, MAAL and SAAL invited the Philippines association to participate as well.

This tandem initiative will continue with another joint symposium with the theme English and Multilingualism: ASEAN perspectives in Manila in December 2020. Representatives from the affiliates will also discuss an AILA ASEAN signature conference that will be hosted in rotation by the different affiliates. The initiative would welcome other ASEAN applied linguistics groups and may hopefully lead to a bigger joint ASEAN network of applied linguistics.

Thai Association for Applied Linguistics (TAAL)



TAAL stands for Thai Association for Applied Linguistics. The organization was established to promote scholarship and research in applied linguistics in Thailand. TAAL is the collaborative work of respectable scholars and researchers from universities across the country and is in partnership with Malaysian Association of Applied Linguistics (MAAL) and Singapore Association for Applied Linguistics (SAAL).

Those interested in the area of applied linguistics can visit TAAL’s official website, for useful resources: research articles published by TAAL members, applied linguistics database, programs of study and discussion forums.