The Factors Affecting Chinese College English Teachers’ Learning Development: A Narrative Study

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Huang Ping


By ethnographic research, this study intends to explore the ways and influencing factors of college English teachers’ learning through eight cases by means of qualitative multi-case study so as to identify how they achieve professional development. The results show that lack of time management, heavy administration work, over ambition and passiveness are the negative factors which affect teacher learning. Teacher learning happens with clear goal and motivation, while passive learning may lead to good results in terms of the teacher community. This study claims that teacher success will definitely be affected by teachers’ clear goal and motivation with confidence, the influence of teaching community and the family influence.

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How to Cite
Ping, H. (2022). The Factors Affecting Chinese College English Teachers’ Learning Development: A Narrative Study. REFLections, 29(1), 169–186.
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