Supervision of Content Distribution via Online Media of Citizen Journalists
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This article discusses the offense of citizen journalists in presenting content through online media. The current form of communication in the online media varies from one-way communication to two-way communication. Recipients change roles from receptors only. To become a messenger at one time. The change in communication patterns has resulted in citizen journalists who are responsible for presenting news around them through online media to a particular group of people through media such as blogs, web sites, social media sites. Without the training or training of journalism.
For the dissemination of content through online media, citizen journalists have a great variety of content. From presenting messages, pictures, videos, live broadcasts to many important social media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc., and the creation of websites, the presentation of content through online media of these citizen journalists. The content is published in a manner that is legal. And illegal manner The nature of the offense of the citizen journalist appearing in the online media can be identified as follows: 1) presenting false news in the online world 2) presenting political violence content 3) presenting erotic content 4) Sexual and obscene. 5) Serious language expression. 6) cyber bullying Cybercriminals fall victim to cyber bullying. Being scared, or scared of being selfish Being harassed, irritated or angry, and being sexually abusive with obscenity. 7) Providing content that is defamatory. 8) Providing material for offense.
In addition, this article aims to present the ethics related to the offense of citizen journalists. The law relating to the offense of four citizen journalists is the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, BE 2560. The Criminal Code Act, BE 2496, the Act shall apply the provisions of Part 1 of the Civil and Commercial Code, 1992 and the Act on Offenses Against Computer (No. 2), BE 2560; City Reduces Offender Law.
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