Design of the molds for basketry water hyacinth to creative products concept of local identity

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ยุวดี พรธาราพงศ์


The objective of this study 1) To study the shape of the template from the process of making basketry 2)To design a template hyacinth wicker products creative products 3)To experiment with the pattern of woven water hyacinth 4)To create a unique product that is more valuable to the local wisdom and value. How to conduct research The result of the design Creative process Is to collect data. Field Survey and Inquiry Observation of the participation in the process of weaving water hyacinth products to collect information before designing water hyacinth wicker.

               The research on the design of water hyacinth wicker template to produce the concept of local identity showed that the shape of the design can be shaped as a creative product is free form, oval form of the circle form which all  three forms can be developed to form a product. The most satisfying shape is an independent figure  product is a beautiful chair the proportion of products is suitable for use and strong products are local and creative.

          The process of water hyacinth wicker requires a template for forming the original material used to make the wicker template is plywood or foam material during the study phase the researcher invented the material for making water hyacinth woven basket template, using rubber water mixed with plastic watercolor foam templates are used for easy handling and longer durability.

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How to Cite
พรธาราพงศ์ ย. (2019). Design of the molds for basketry water hyacinth to creative products concept of local identity. RMUTP Research Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 18–33. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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