Nutritional Awareness in Children, Food Consumption Behavior of Students and Family Food Practices of Students at the Phuket Special Education Center

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Chalad Pethavorn


The objectives of this research were to study (1) parents' perceptions of excess nutrition in children, (2) food consumption behavior, and (3) family food practices of students at the Phuket Special Education Center. The sample selecting a purposive sampling group consisted of 60 students who were parents of students at the Phuket Special Education Center in the second semester of the academic year 2022 by using the questionnaire was used as a research tool. Statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, and standard deviation. The results showed that (1) nutritional awareness was exceeded among the parents' children had a high level. Z2) Food consumption behavior including (2.1) frequency and large amount, (2.2) frequency and large amount of food group that was high in fat and sugar was at moderate, and (2.3) frequency and large amount of food group that was high in fat, sugar and sodium was at moderate. (3) Family food practices at a moderate level, including positive practices in a good level and a negative practice was at moderate.

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How to Cite
Pethavorn, C. (2022). Nutritional Awareness in Children, Food Consumption Behavior of Students and Family Food Practices of Students at the Phuket Special Education Center. RMUTP Research Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 46–59. Retrieved from
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