Model of Results-Based Management for Improving Elementary School Students' Thai Reading and Writing Skills with a Systematic Approach and a Quality Process PDCA at Ban Rahul School, Phetchabun Province
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The objectives of this research were to develop an achievement-based management model for enhancing Thai reading and writing skills with a Systematic Approach and a Quality Process PDCA in elementary school students and to examine the outcomes of enhancing Thai reading and writing skills in students using an achievement-based management model at Ban Rahul School in Phetchabun Province. This research was research and development. 5 specialists will be used in the model's development and evaluation. The model was used with 154 Ban Rahul School pupils who have the necessary reading and writing abilities. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean (), and standard deviation (S.D.). The research findings were as follows: 1) Thai reading and writing proficiency development for primary school students using an achievement-based management strategy with a Systematic Approach and a Quality Process PDCA; Phetchabun Province's Ban Rahul School utilizing a methodical strategy that includes performance-based management as one of the processes and administrative resources as one of the input factors. Professional learning activities and putting the PDCA quality cycle into practice: planning, carrying out the plan, checking the assessment, and using the results of the evaluation to enhance the work. Students in Prathom Suksa grades 1-6 demonstrated productivity and results in their ability to read and write Thai, including reading (reading aloud, reading in accordance with Thai language usage rules, and reading comprehension), writing (writing words and writing sentences/sounds), and academic success. Overall, the results of the development of reading and writing in Thai revealed that 150 students passed at a higher level (97.40%), exceeding the target set (80%). Words/Writing a comprehensive summary/summarizing the important point the results showed that 140 out of the 154 students passed the level with a grade of B or above (90.90%), exceeding the target set (80%). In 2020 academic year, success Learning achievement in Thai courses has been rising annually by 15.25 percent overall. It was shown that Primary 1 and Primary 2 both saw increases of 13.88 percent when analyzed by grade level. 9.13 The percentages for the Primary Grades 3 through 6 increased by 11.53%, 4.01%, 42.31%, 10.65%, and 5.01% respectively. The reading and writing skills of students are improved.
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