The Current Situation and the Need for Educational Quality Improvement at Ban Jadsan School in Phetchabun Province Using Internal Supervision Process with Integrated Methods to Promote Active Learning Management Behaviors of Teachers

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Nutparawi Phakkharawatoangkun


The purpose of this research was to study the current situation. and the need for educational quality improvement by using internal supervision in a mixed model to promote active learning management behaviors of Ban Jadsan School, Phetchabun Province. This research was mixed method including qualitative research with a group conversation method from the administrative committee of housing estates in the amount of 10 people, consisting of 6 full-time teachers and 4 school committees obtained by purposive selection and quantitative research by using questionnaires to the sample group consisted of board of directors of Ban Jadsan School, teachers, school committees and parents in the parent network committee at the school level, 30 people. The statistics to analyze the data were mean ( ), and standard deviation (S.D). The results showed that: The current state in internal supervision was divided into 2 aspects: the current state in internal supervision found that the current state in internal supervision low level. The needs for internal supervision found that the needs for internal supervision at the highest level. The need for teacher quality development was found in both the overall and individual aspects of the need for supervision in teacher quality development was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Phakkharawatoangkun, N. (2023). The Current Situation and the Need for Educational Quality Improvement at Ban Jadsan School in Phetchabun Province Using Internal Supervision Process with Integrated Methods to Promote Active Learning Management Behaviors of Teachers. RMUTP Research Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(1), 23–42. Retrieved from
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