Preparation and awareness affecting the quality of life before retirement of industrial workers in Samut Prakan Province
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The objectives of this research were to 1) compare demographic factors affecting the quality of life before retirement of industrial workers in Samut Prakan Province, 2) preparation affecting the quality of life before retirement of industrial workers in Samut Prakan Province, and 3) awareness affecting the quality of life before retirement of industrial workers in Samut Prakan Province. The sample group consisted of 400 people working in the industrial sector in Samut Prakan Province. The questionnaires were used as a data collection tool. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-Test, one-way analysis of variance, and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that: demographic factors including different positions had different quality of life before retirement of industrial workers in Samut Prakan Province with a statistical significance of .05. The difference in the variables of gender, age, status, education, and monthly income did not different quality of life before retirement of Industrial workers in Samut Prakan Province. 2) On the preparation factors, the economic aspect, the residence aspect, the mental aspect, and the leisure time affected the quality of life before retirement of industrial workers in Samut Prakan Province with the statistical significance level of .05. On the level of readiness factors, physical health did not affect the quality of life before retirement of industrial workers in Samut Prakan Province. 3) On the perception factors, the awareness of news about retirement preparation and the perception of rights of Social Welfare affected the quality of life before retirement of industrial workers in Samut Prakan Province with the statistical significance level of .05.
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