Purchase behavior of flowers in Bangkok's Pak Khlong Talat

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Pradchayaporn Muangsin
Nussaba Boonnonthe


The objectives of this study were to investigate how people choose to buy flowers at Bangkok's Pak Khlong Talat and study the correlation between demographic characteristics and flower-buying decisions in Bangkok's Pak Khlong Talat. This research employed a qualitative method, using a questionnaire to collect data from 74 consumers who visited Pak Khlong Talat, Bangkok, to purchase flowers. The data were analyzed using the G*Power application. In research, statistics are used to analyze frequencies, percentages, averages, standard deviations, and Chi-square statistics were then utilized to assess the relationship. The study's findings revealed the following: (1) People's behavior when choosing to purchase flowers in the Pak Khlong Talat area of Bangkok: (1) the reason behind selecting flowers to adorn the space, 90.79%, (2) Consumers who choose to purchase flowers for friends and family in the same proportion, 76.63%, (3) the proportion of people who bought flowers annually was 2–5 times, 47.37%, (4) the expense of purchasing flowers each time was between 500 and 1,000 baht, or 30.26%, (5) choose the flower color tone as white (96.05%), and (6) choose roses (97.37%). The study examined the relationship between population characteristics and flower-buying behavior in Pak Khlong Talat, Bangkok, and discovered that: (1) gender was associated with flower-buying behavior in Pak Khlong Talat, Bangkok at the very least statistically significant. Customers' frequency of flower purchases was at level 05. Costs associated with buying flowers every time: Popular flower color tones that customers choose to buy at Pak Khlong Talat orchids. (2) Age was unrelated to flower-buying habits. (3) Status was statistically significant at the.05 level in relation to flower-purchasing behavior, including the reason for flower purchases. (4) Flower-buying behavior was correlated with education. The frequency with which customers purchase flowers was statistically significant at the.05 level, and the flowers that customers like to buy were sunflowers. (5) The purchase behavior of flowers was unrelated to occupation. (6) Flower-buying habits were correlated with monthly income. at least statistically significant at the .05 level, the customer selected himself as the recipient of the flowers, and pink is the most popular flower color.

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How to Cite
Muangsin, P., & Boonnonthe, N. (2024). Purchase behavior of flowers in Bangkok’s Pak Khlong Talat. RMUTP Research Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(1), 29–40. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rmutphuso/article/view/268606
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