Development of White School Management Model for the drug-free and Evil of Ban Khok Phanom Dee School, Prachinburi Province

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Nongnit Sangkhapinyo


The objectives of this research were to analyze the components of the model and develop a management model for drug-free and vice-free schools at Ban Khok Phanom Dee School, Prachinburi Province. The research employed a mixed-methods approach combined with research and development. The target groups included two main groups: (1) 7 experts with experience in working with drug-free schools, who participated in a focus group discussion to develop the model, and (2) 168 stakeholders, including teachers, staff, school committees, parents, community representatives, and network partners, who were involved in evaluating the management of drug-free and vice-free school operations at Ban Khok Phanom Dee School, Prachinburi Province. The statistical methods used to analyze the data included frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The research findings revealed that (1) the components of the model consisted of five factors: (1) Input factors, including the implementation of the five measures and 16 indicators of the drug-free school policy, with projects/activities developed from brainstorming sessions with teachers at Ban Khok Phanom Dee School; (2) Process factors, involving the analysis of the quality management process (PDCA) along with the KPDEE Model and the 5R principles, which emphasize participatory principles. These were developed into the management process and activities of the KPDEE Model, aiming for drug-free safety through the 5R principles: "Think Together," "Do Together," "Solve Problems Together," "Take Responsibility Together," and "Be Proud Together"; (3) Output factors, including the following outcomes from the implementation of the drug-free and vice-free school policy: (i) KPDEE Model for drug-free safety with the 5R principles, (ii) a management manual for drug-free and vice-free schools at Ban Khok Phanom Dee School, (iii) evaluation results of the school management, and (iv) evaluations on the appropriateness and certification of the management model for drug-free and vice-free schools at Ban Khok Phanom Dee School; (4) Feedback factors, including recommendations for improving the implementation of the drug-free and vice-free school projects; and (5) Outcome factors, where the goals of Ban Khok Phanom Dee School were: (i) maintaining the drug-free and vice-free school standards at the diamond level, and (ii) becoming a model for managing drug-free and vice-free schools for other schools in the network. The evaluation of the management of drug-free and vice-free schools at Ban Khok Phanom Dee School was found to be at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Sangkhapinyo, N. (2024). Development of White School Management Model for the drug-free and Evil of Ban Khok Phanom Dee School, Prachinburi Province. RMUTP Research Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(2), 73–98. retrieved from
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