Growth and the Size of the R&D Sector in a Model with Endogenous Fertility


  • Andre Grimaud Toulouse School of Economics, Toulouse, France
  • Frederic Tournemaine University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok, Thailand


Research, Fertility, Economic Policy, Growth


We examine the relationship between the intensity of the researchactivity and the long-run level of economic growth in a model withendogenous technical progress and endogenous choice of fertility. Toconduct the analysis, we introduce a policy tool charged on labor employedby the research sector. When the size of the R&D sector is modified, weshow that the level of growth can increase, decrease, or does not vary.The outcome depends on two factors: the weight that individuals place on offspring relative to their level of consumption; and the value of the elasticity of the share of working labor devoted to research with respect to policy changes.




How to Cite

Grimaud, A., & Tournemaine, F. (2007). Growth and the Size of the R&D Sector in a Model with Endogenous Fertility. SOUTHEAST ASIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, 23–50. retrieved from