The Assessment of Public Park for Landscape Maintenance Cost Reduction: A Case Study of Santiphap Park A CASE STUDY OF SANTIPHAP PARK

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นีลปัทม์ โพธิ์สุวัฒนากุล
ฉมาวงศ์ สุริยจันทร์
นิลุบล คล่องเวสสะ


Public parks are usually designed with complex softscape and hardscape elements that emphasize attractiveness without much consideration about the maintenance phase. Consequently, the maintenance cost can become unnecessarily high, burdening the overall budget. Using the Santiphap Park as a case study, this work develops an assessment procedure and design strategies to help minimize the landscape maintenance cost in public parks, following the National Strategic Plan for Environmental Quality Management. The assessment tools are devised from literature reviews, related theories, and our field research including multiple interviews with the maintenance crew at the park. To meet our standard, the landscape assessment score should be higher than 60% for each category.

            Our study shows that the assessment scores for softscape and hardscape elements in the Santiphap Park are 31.25% and 37.5%, respectively, and should be improved to reduce the maintenance cost. The low hardscape assessment score is mainly due to the form factor design and material selection such as complex art figures with multiple joints and a rough surface. The low softscape assessment score is due to the locations and positioning of garden plants, trees, and grass fields. Planting grass on a steep slope or at the rare end of the building, for example, makes it difficult for maintenance.

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