The Influence of Environmental Color on Elderly People’s Stress

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ธนาวุฒิ ตรงประวีณ
วรภัทร์ อิงคโรจน์ฤทธิ์


This study investigates the influence of residential environmental color (bed room), especially color tone and intensity ratio, on Elderly People’s Stress. Data were collected from 120 Elderly Thai people, who live in the nursing home and the personal home. There were 2 stress assessments in this study including indirect stress test : The Affect Grid Scale (Russell, Weiss & Mendelsohn, 1989) and direct stress test : Semantic Differential Scale. Analysis revealed that elder get less stress in cool color on bedroom wall than warm color. Color Intensity ratio of pale to vivid increased with varying degrees of relaxation. Moreover, Elder’s Stress also varied in color preference and preferred cool color to warm color. This study able to conclude that color tone and color intensity ratio on bedroom wall are important on Elderly People’s Stress. Designer should collect suitable colors for promoting function areas and elderly people’s positive feeling.

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