Investigation of Sound Insulation Properties of Metal Sheet Roof with Elastomeric Materials

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ปรมาภรณ์ พูลสวัสดิ์
พรรณชลัท สุริโยธิน


Metal Sheet roof is extensively used due to its mechanical properties, lightweight and long lasting. Metal Sheet roof can protect rust because it is coated with Aluminum and Zinc. Metal Sheet roofs longer than other roofs. When it rains, noise is occurred inside because Metal Sheet roof made from metal. Thus, this paper aimed to investigation the sound insulation properties of Metal Sheet roof with Elastomeric materials

The study of sound insulation properties of Elastomeric materials (25 mm.) was compared with Polyurethane foam (25 mm.) and Polyethylene insulation (PE). These materials had the same installation over test box whereas the width, length and height are 0.70, 0.84 and 0.55 meters, respectively. The box was installed with Fiber Glass (6 inches) in order to protect reverberation sound inside. Afterward, Sound absorption of each insulation materials was tested with Tapping Machine followed in ASTM E1007-14

The experiment showed that Polyethylene insulation has 89.7 dB of the average sound pressure level and there is an insulation properties at 31.5-80.0 Hz of the low wavelengths of sound. Elastomeric materials has 84.35 dB of the average sound pressure level and there is an insulation properties at 800-16000 Hz of the high wavelengths of sound. The last material, Polyurethane foam has 97.9 dB of the average sound pressure level and there is a good insulation properties but lower than PE and EM. The results revealed that Elastomeric material is a good insulation materials when compared with PU and PE especially at the high wave lengths of sound affect to hearing loss.

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