The Improvement of Physically in Common Areas and Management of Condominium Projects with “Vibrant Community for All Ages Strategy” : Case Studies of Lumpini

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ศิริรัตน์ รามรินทร์
กุณฑลทิพย พานิชภักดิ์



Nowadays, people tend to pay interest in acquiring condominium as their residence that is able to support new family member, to have social status, and to have caring neighbors. The type of residence provides facility to all aged members. At the same time, LPN Development PCL is a quality condominium development company for all ages. The research purposed to study the improvement of common areas and life quality management including analyzing the result from the operation, using the primary data which is documentation relating design for all ages and life quality management. The secondary data include observation, interview, and questionnaire distribution.

               According to the result, the physical improvement of common areas has the same goals of improvement which are for convenience of residents and to adjust the slope in every project. In terms of life quality management, it shares the same goal of improvement which means everyone, fire evacuation training, and New-Year party activity to be appropriate for the residents of all aged. Regarding the physical improvement result of using the common areas, it was found that the highest mean of satisfaction score is the slope and lift. In terms of life quality management, the highest mean of satisfaction score is safety activities. The case study with the highest satisfaction score in physical improvement of common areas and management is the case study 4 due to the fact that the common areas have been designed and improved to be up-to-date and suitable for people of every age while the life quality management has been improved to be appropriate for the social condition of all aged. all age living.

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