Ecosystem Services of Home Gardens and Community Food Sources for Household Food System : A Case Study in Ban Nonsa-Ard, Changwat Khon Kaen

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เอกชัย ใยพิมล
ดนัย ทายตะคุ


From the study in the roles of house gardens and food source in Ban Nonsa-Ard community, Khon Kaen province, it is found that the villagers rely on consuming a part of food source’s product. Form collecting the household food source’s data, it is revealed that most products from house gardens are vegetables, namely papaya, lime, galangal, lemongrass, banana, and lvy gourd. The products from community food source are seasonal wild mushroom and bamboo shoot. There are also products that house gardens and community food source cannot produce, or their quantity cannot reach the demand, namely seasonings, starch-based ingredient or some types of meat, for example, rice grains from the paddy field and pork needs to be purchased from village venders or Manjakhiri market.

Apart from being a source of survival nutrients, there are several benefits that human beings can receive from the community food source: Firstly, social benefit, the villagers can share or trade the excessive products with their neighbors. Secondly, cultural benefit, the area can act as the place where people can share local food culture, their intellect in food hunting method, and their beliefs. Thirdly, Economic benefit, since the products can reduce household expense on food, and the villagers can also sell them as an additional income. And lastly, ecological benefit, the food source can act as the habitat for animals surrounding the area, biodegradation or surface infiltration space. Such benefits can also be called “Ecosystem Services”

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