Setting and Its Contribution to Interpretation and Presentation: A Case Study of The Holy Rosary Church, Bangkok

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อภิชาติ กิตติเมธาวีนันท์
วิมลรัตน์ อิสระธรรมนูญ


The Holy Rosary Church is a heritage site, which was settled since the Thon Buri period; and has been continuing to present. From its long history, many ethnic groups lived and created their own culture by having the Holy Rosary Church as an epicenter of the area. This dissertation is a historical research by analyzing historical evidences and current physical elements in the study area. The study aims to identify values of the setting of the heritage site, proposing the presentation and interpretation guideline for the site. Analytically, historical periods can be classified into five eras: First Era, “the Ban Samrong and the Camp of Our Lady of the Rosary”; Second Era, “the Calvary Church and the Holy Rosary Church”; Third Era, “the Notre Dame du Rosaire, pride of Siam”; Fourth Era, “the Chinese School and the expansion of the Chinese Catholic in Siam” and Fifth Era, “The Holy Rosary Church after the Second Vatican Council”. According to the analysis of the Five historical periods, the five selected stories were set to interpret values of setting through the main themes. The main target audiences are the group of Holy Rosary Church community and people who involved with the significant historical circumstances. Finally, the aims of the presentation and interpretation guideline for the setting of the Holy Rosary Church are to  enhance public awareness and to recreate a strong association between the Holy Rosary Church and its catholic community members.

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