Characteristics of Layout Plan of Low Rise Condominium Projects in Bangkok

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ปริยากร พิมานแมน



Layout plan is one of the fundamental parts in condominium project design. It is also a creative section toward the environment of exterior space around the project that various depending on a situation. The unique of the project layout and creation of the space are much important as a remarkable point leading the sales of the project, Especially, in low rise condominiums most real estate developer often use this area as a location for facilities common area, and it is a sharing space for the residents.  A decent designing shall support the social relation of the residents as well.

The objectives of this research are to study and categorize the designing of project layout characteristics and the enclosure of space from the lay out plan of the low rise condominium project layout in Bangkok from 10 developers who obtained the most turnover revenue in B.E. 2560. The information is collected from their websites, totally 59 projects, and analyzed by distributive classification and analytical description.

The result is found that low rise condominium project layouts can be classified in 4 formations, sorting from high to low, as follows:  1) The layout plan of the court layout (A form) was very high at 47.45%. 2) The layout plan of single-lined road (C form) was 22%. 3) The layout plan of the mixed lay out as a result of landform (D form) was 16.94%. 4) The layout plan of the building parallel was divided into 2 sides (B form) at 13.55%. In addition, the results showed that this different building layout plan correlates with the price level of the project. The most common layout plan was the court layout plan found in most medium-to-high-value projects, and the single-lane road layout plan was mostly found in narrow-plot and high-plot projects. Each company corresponded with a low price level classified by size or by size of land in the project that the smallest group of the project is the most court layout as 66.66% (unit) and 58.53% (project area). Nevertheless, the medium and large projects were planned in a variety of formats without relation to project size. The study indicated that the layout plan of residential projects was in the low-rise residential buildings in Bangkok. Therefore, this study found advantages for small-sized entrepreneurs in designing their project plans to suit their living needs and a guide for further marketing planning.

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