The Changes of Units Floor Plan in High-End Residential Condominium of Sansiri Public Company Limited during 2007 - 2016 in Bangkok

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ธัญลักษณ์ พุ่มมาก


The planning of one bedroom unit type of Sansiri Pcl is significantly important, as the study shows that one bedroom unit is the most popular when compared with other types of units that means there are higher demand than others units. Moreover, one bedroom unit sets structure of its building, because the study found that columns are located on both sides of the walls. According to Annual report (2015), Sansiri is the leader of high-end condominium in Bangkok, so its high-end condominium market is very interesting for study. According to this information, it leads to the study about development of the Sansiri Building for past 10 years, during 2007-2016 about How unit floor plan of one bedroom has been changed.
The study process is to review literatures of the 10 years Sansiri’ s annual reports during 2007-2016, It shows that Sansiri hasn’t set vision and mission until 2013. In that year, Sansiri has changed its organization structure by increasing project management teams. Moreover, the proportion of 1 bedroom unit has the highest demand compared with others type of units. It also found that there were 4 periods of time that floor plan of one bed room unit has been change; (1) The floor plan layout type A is the most popular and has been used at all times. (2) The room size has been changed, it is smaller than it is in the past, but it is still sufficient for living according to the Ministerial Regulation No. 55 issued under the Building Control Act. (3) Dividing living area, include pantry and dining area into the same space, the researcher has defined this area as a multi purpose space.

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