Tourist Accommodation Situation in Phuket Old Town

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ณัฐติกา สุวคันธ์


Research to study the situation of tourist accommodation in Phuket Old Town. Phuket old town is currently changing into more business for tourism. There are many new businesses. One type of business that is very important to Phuket Old Town is property, tourist accommodation. Because it is a business that attracts people to spend time in Old Town, which is the leader in driving the economy of Phuket Old Town. This type of business that occurs in the district has different forms under the constraints that tend to increase from the past. Current conservation measures for conservation districts, effective in maintaining the atmosphere and the physical environment but cannot protect valuable buildings from being destroyed or altered, for this reason, it is necessary to conserve the restoration of old architecture in order to preserve the identity and scenery. The objectives are to: 1) study data collection and classify tourist accommodation in Phuket Old Town, which is currently operating, 2) analyze the characteristics of tourist accommodation and consistency with the old town. By research process starting from 1) Literature review, 2) determining the scope of study area, 3) Data collection methods, 3.1) from related documents, 3.2) based on the survey of Phuket Old Town 3.3) from interviewing the operators of some tourist accommodation in Phuket Old Town and deputy mayor of Phuket Municipality, 4) Data analysis method obtained from the use of physical assessment criteria of tourist accommodation in Phuket Old Town. With all the criteria as follows: project location, building type, project size, operator and service model, To bring to the analysis and answer the questions of the research that Real estate business, type of tourist accommodation in Phuket Old Town which is currently operated, who does business and how physical characteristics correspond to the old town. The results of the study showed that real estate business, tourist accommodation in Phuket Old Town, there are more entrepreneurs in the area than people outside the area but tourist accommodation in buildings that are worthy of conservation, there are more entrepreneurs outside the area than people in the area, which are not consistent with conservation, revitalizing Phuket Old Town.

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