Tenant Selection Concept for The Community Malls: Case Studies of The Sense Pinklao and Urban Square

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เสาวพร วรสินธพ


Tenant selection appropriate to the target market is the one of the considerable for community mall’s development. This research aims to study the community mall development concept and tenant selection in the case studies of The Sense Pinklao (SP) and the Urban Square (US), which located in the inner city and urban fringe. The methods were site survey and in-depth interview with the developer. The data analysis was comparing similarity and disparity to both case studies.
The results are 1) Developers were priority considered to the location of the community with rather high density of population and located on main road. SP mall is in commercial and residential area in Pinklao, while US mall is in residential and university area in Prachachuen. 2) the most significant concept is make a choice for the users to be a center of stores and services with distinguished image and attractive among the other commercial. Eventually SP mall’s tenant selection concept is good quality and worthy for the target group and also meet the lifestyle. Meanwhile, US mall’s tenant selection concept is variety and convenient. 3) the most amount of tenant categories in SP mall are Health and Beauty (27.5 percent) followed by Food (25 percent). Even the most amount of tenant categories in US mall are Food (27.8 percent) followed by Health and Beauty (22.2 percent). Moreover, there are also have Supermarket, which is a major components. Furthermore, size of each stores are depends on the format of tenant and provided of the specification by the developer.
According to the research indicates that location is specifying the target group and the tenant. Also the most consequential tenant in nowadays are Food and Health and Beauty besides the Supermarket. This study contributes to the entrepreneur in the development of a community mall. Especially location and tenant are convenient access and fulfill the demand of target market’s daily life.

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