Construction Workers’ Accommodation Management by Entrepreneur of Large Project in Central Business District of Bangkok

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วิภาวี อังศุวัชรากร


            According to the expansion of construction industry and increasing tendency of labors’ demand, including their accommodations, the entrepreneurs or contractors should undertake the provision of accommodation for construction workers to be their shelters, in order to facilitate their construction project controls, especially the large construction projects where a great number of construction workers work for. In consequence, the construction workers are the important factor to propel construction industry. Nevertheless, the previous researches discover that 70 percent of accommodation areas and construction materials are inadequate, poor hygiene and safety. The main objectives of this study are to represent the concept and procedure of construction workers’ accommodation management by entrepreneurs, which are construction companies that have been operating the large projects in central business district of Bangkok during the period 2017-2019 and provide workers’ accommodation standardization. The researcher gathers data from the important documents issued by entrepreneurs and in-depth interview with the officers who do their duties for workers’ accommodation management. The analytical procedure of this research is qualitative. The findings of the study can be categorized into two main parts: 1.Both companies have the same concept of construction workers’ accommodation management is to provide the good quality of living condition, hygiene practices, safety and environment that not only lead to effective workers’ performance, but also prevent the construction workers’ shortage 2.There are some different and same details in their procedures of construction workers’ accommodation management which are classified into 12 issues are 1.Location 2.Landscaping 3.Construction of accommodation (Infrastructure, utilities and facilities) 4.Workers admission and immigration rights movement 5.Transportation 6.Hygiene practices 7.Environment 8.Safety 9. Medical facilities 10. Workers’ accommodation conducts and procedural rules 11. Workers’ communication and training 12. Budget and running cost. This research will be beneficial towards the other entrepreneurs, including government and private sectors for issued their policies of workers’ accommodation management to improve the construction workers’ living condition.

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