Physical Patterns Affecting University Canteen Management Case Study: Central Canteens in Chulalongkorn University

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มุจลินท์ สุพรรณชนะบุรี


            This article is part of the research that has the objective of studying physical attributes that may affect management of central canteens in Chulalongkorn University. The research started with the process of selecting three canteens situated in the west side of the University, namely: (1) Office of the Administrative Canteen; (2) Canteen of Pinitprachanart Building; and (3) Canteen of Chulaphat 14 Building as case study. Thereafter, a study was conducted by physical survey, information collection through photographs and written records, interview sessions with persons responsible for canteen management, and inquiries to staff regarding the nature and working process of staff and service providers. From the physical survey and information collection, it was discovered that there were problems in all three canteens selected as case study. Upon analyzing the relationships between elements in three aspects, namely: (1) physical orders such as location of main entrances, walkways, and equipment and appliances; (2) staff and service providers such as their practice and working process; and (3) service receivers such as their practice and behavior, number of service receivers, it may be concluded that physical attributes affecting canteen management could be divided into two groups, i.e. physical attributes that promote convenience and facilitate efficient management and physical attributes that are problematic and hinder efficient management. The joint factors in both groups appear to be location and organization of physical components.

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