Established Process for Housing Improvement Fund for The Elderly Case Rungmaneepattana Wangthonglang District, Bangkok

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หฤษฎ์ โคกผา
ไตรรัตน์ จารุทัศน์


Working capital financing model for housing improvement for the elderly who live in inappropriate community or have accidental risk. Since physical conditions with low income, it’s difficult for elders to improve their housing. Capital is the most important thing. Community with financial intensity is chosen to be the case study which is Rung Manee Pattana Community, Wangthonglang – Bangkok. The community succeed in financial and fund management. Research objectives are studying financial structure of the community and also studying pros and cons of exist funds to find established funds model to improve housing in both edited regulation pattern from original funds and new established fund.
The result show that the fund in Rung Manee Pattana Community is appropriate to be a resource of money for improving house. They are Baan Munkhong housing cooperative and Rung Manee Pattana community Financial institution. There are funding and checking from government which make it operate efficiency and be most possible fund to establish funds. The community which have not financial system should start with village and community funds first, and then develop the funds to be funds for improving house to elders.
In conclusion, Baan Munkhong housing cooperative is the most appropriate fund that can be improved to be working capital source in the community. The reasons are the objective of housing cooperative is wanting to help about housing improvement and members know and understand housing problems well. The second is community Financial institution because fund size and a lot working capital. In addition, the regulation is not complex like Baan Munkhong housing cooperative. The community which have not financial system before should start with village and community funds first, and then develop the funds to be funds for improving house to elders.

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