The Agglomeration and Impact of Small Industry Factories on The Surrounding Areas in The Inner Bangkok

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ปุณยนุช แสงวัฒนะ
ณัฐพงศ์ พันธ์น้อย


Bangkok is well prepared for infrastructure and transportation. In addition, there is a concentration of labor, raw materials and consumers. Factors that cause the establishment of small industrial factories in the area to produce products in 6 areas are: 1. Bang Sue 2. Samran Rat and Ban Bat 3. Khlong Ton Sai 4. Rong Mueang 5. Thung Wat Don and 6. Bang Khlo. This research examines promoting factors and situation of the agglomeration of small industrial factories in the urban areas of Bangkok and assess the impact of agglomeration of small industrial factories on surrounding communities. Data Collection conducting interviews to record data in questionnaires with 2 groups of samples in 6 areas, entrepreneurs to study the reasons for choosing to operate a small industrial factory in that area. And residents in the area to measure the level of awareness of the impact of agglomeration of small industrial factories. The study indicated that
Selection of locations near the source of raw materials, being a community source that has an environment suitable for industrial factory operations and near the factory that produces the same product resulting in the formation of small industrial clusters. People in the area that live in the range of 100 - 300 meters from areas that are concentrated in small industrial plants are aware of the impact at a low level. The results of the study leading to: Agglomeration of small industrial plants in urban areas Affect the environment less However, there should be appropriate control in conjunction with promotion. The responsible agency is necessary to continuously examine the objective impact (Objective Impact) caused by small factories. In order to prevent the impact on the environment and health of the people living around.

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